FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ========================== INDEX ----- 1.1 Does CBB run under tk4.x? 1.2 How can I make the window fit onto my tiny girly-man screen? (Asked with an Arnold accent) 1.3 My BackSpace and Delete keys do the same thing. How do I BackSpace? 1.4 How do I use the text only front end? 1.5 What do I do when I get the following error? 1.1 Does CBB run under tk4.x? ----------------------------- Yes! The official version of CBB should run fine under both tk4.0 and tk4.1. In fact, as of version 0.62a, CBB requires tk4.x. If you do not have tk4.x I would recommend upgrading to it. tcl7.4p3 and tk4.0p3 do not overwrite tcl and tk (version 7.3 and 3.6) so you should have no problem installing both if you need to. If you are limited by less than helpful sys admins, you could consider installing tk4.x in your home directory. If all else fails, I guess you will have to stick with version 0.61a or previous. 1.2 How can I make the window fit onto my tiny screen? ------------------------------------------------------ With the latest version of CBB this is easy ... just edit your ~/.cbbrc.tcl file! First, you can make the transaction listbox font smaller. You could try 7x13bold and 7x13 for starters: set fixed_header_font "7x13bold" set fixed_font "7x13" Also, you can reduce the number of lines displayed in the list box: set list_height 28 Here are some sample setting for a laptop contributed by Jerry Sweet ( # Main List Box Dimensions set list_width 70 set list_height 22 # Fonts ... set msg_text_font \ "-b&h-lucidabright-demibold-i-normal--10-100-75-75-p-59-is8859-1" set button_font "lucidasans-10" set fixed_header_font "lucidasanstypewriter-bold-10" set fixed_font "lucidasanstypewriter-bold-10" set status_line_font "lucidasans-italic-10" set menu_font "lucidasans-10" set dialog_font "lucidasans-bold-10" set default_font "lucidasans-italic-10" 1.3 My BackSpace and Delete keys do the same thing. How do I BackSpace? ------------------------------------------------------------- This is an OS/X11/Interface question rather than a CBB question, but I will address it here. The problem is how keycodes are mapped to events. This has always been a nagging issue in Unix. Many systems by default map BackSpace to Delete. If you are running Debian Linux 1.1 (or later) you can fix this problem by adding the following line to your /etc/X11/Xmodmap file: keycode 22 = BackSpace The specifics for fixing this problem on other platforms will vary. 1.4 How do I use the text only front end? ----------------------------------------- Currently the text front end is a separate entity. The graphical and text versions *used* to share the same file formats, but things have diverged. If you only want the text part, you can toss everything except for the cbbsh subdirectory. Everything you need is self contained in there. Look at the cbbtxt.tex file for instructions on how to install. 1.5 (a) When I run CBB I get the following error: ------------------------------------------------- Loading the category file /usr/home/ Reading result Got result: ok invalid command name "getclock" while executing "getclock" invoked from within "fmtclock [getclock]..." invoked from within "set nicedate [fmtclock [getclock]..." invoked from within [the rest is ommited, but you get the picture] Note, you should not encounter this problem with CBB 0.53 and beyond. As of this version, the tclX dependency has been removed. As of version 0.62a, if you are trying to run CBB with "wish3.6" or "wishx", you need to install at least tcl7.4 and tk4.0. 1.5 (b) When I run CBB I get the following error: ------------------------------------------------- error flushing "file6": Broken pipe while executing "flush $eng" invoked from within "if { $clean == 1 } { # clear our list box .trans.list delete 0 end [the rest is ommited, but you get the picture] CBB is having a problem starting its perl back end. Make sure "" is in your path and is executable. Make sure the first line of "" points to where perl is installed on your system. Running directly from the command line can often provide useful insight into the problem. 1.5 (c) When I run CBB I get the following error: ------------------------------------------------- tkerror failed to handle background error. Original error: no more colors left in colormap; changing screen's color model to monochrome Error in tkerror: invalid command name: "tkerror" wrong # args: should be "expr expression" while executing "expr $argc > 1" invoked from within "if { [expr $argc > 1] } { puts "Usage: [file tail $argv0] \[ file_name \]" exit }" (file "/usr/u/kiru/tools/cbb" line 32) invoked from within "source /usr/u/kiru/tools/cbb" This sounds like your colormap is full. Do you have a gif/jpg displayed in your root window? Can you run any other Tk applications? I would try finding out which program is consuming all the color map entries. If you have xv displaying a picture in your root window, try running "xsetroot -solid steelblue" (or your favorite color) then try running CBB again. 1.5 (d) When I type "make install" I get the following error: ------------------------------------------------------------- % make install make: Fatal error: Don't know how to make target `install' Here an overview of the whole installation process: 1. Get tcl7.4 *and* tk4.0 (or higher) 2. Build tcl/tk (if they aren't installed): - untar each of the two packages and follow their instructions for building them. It will boil down to something like: - cd tcl7.4; ./configure; make; make install - cd tk4.0; ./configure; make; make install 3. Build perl (if it isn't installed): - I haven't built it lately, but follow the instructions 4. Install CBB - untar the distribution - cd cbb-0.62a - type "make install" If this doesn't help, make sure you are in the cbb-0.62a directory when you run "make install". When you are installing the other packages (if they aren't already installed) you must be in their respective directories. If this is all obvious to you, please forgive me. In that case it might be useful to see a listing of the CBB directory and the contents of your Makefile.