DocBook DTDs for Debian GNU/Linux --------------------------------- DocBook is an SGML DTD for software documentation. It is very thorough, and is used by many different organization to produce books, articles, references, and even manual pages. The home page for DocBook is . The docbook-doc package contains reference documentation on DocBook. A wonderful introduction and reference is available in the docbook-book package, which can also be read online at . To format DocBook documents, you'll need a style-sheet package, either docbook-dsssl or docbook-xsl, depending on what styling language you would like to use. There are far too many other packages to describe here, both for authors, editors, stylers, or information architects. A list of such packages may be perused, for instance, using 'apt-cache search docbook'. If you have a question about how to work with DocBook, there are many mailing lists available; see . If you have suggestions or questions regarding debian-specific issues, please consult the mailing list, . -- .....Adam Di (previously, Mark Eichin , Mon, 30 Jun 1997 14:11:38 -0400)