2001-11-18 Dave J. Andruczyk Fixed a sound I/O problem in ESD routines. Fixed configure option to make it stop bitching about fftw. Released 1.6.4 2001-09-11 Dave J. Andruczyk Incorporated all of Rolf Muellers Colormaps that he sent over. (Thanks again...) So now everyone else can enjor them too. Began the workings of the new colormap file format. eXtace currently understands both formats (the new format is not complete yet) Don't try to use the new format yet, until I get it written. (unless you write it before I get a chance to... ) Released 1.6.1 2001-09-01 Dave J. Andruczyk Spelling fixes (Rolf Mueller). Colormap suggestions for better display ability.. Released 2001-08-24 Dave J. Andruczyk Major cleanups in the code. Trying to remove the redundnat functions to make the code cleaner and tighter. Added two new header files to clean up the DEF's used in the code.. Fixed some minor bugs in the display code (And prolly added some new ones). Reorganized to options panel to make more sense and look much cleaner. Various little bugfixes and code reorgs. Options controls now in a seperate files. modularized some of the event handlers to remove the excess code. Added the buffer latency monitor to visualize how the data comes in and is processed. should make it easier to adjust the Lag factor for visual sync to the audio being heard. eXtace will warn about options being out of date and will blindly delete them, but it will warn you. It is better off to delete them and spend a couple minutes resetting the controls to get used to the different layout. You have been WARNED! Released 1.6.0 2001-05-17 Dave J. Andruczyk Rewrote colormap generator section to use pointers instead of static declarations. Fixed a lot of little things here and there. Too many to list here.. Released 1.5.0 2001-01-20 Dave J. Andruczyk Code cleanups, added new header with defauts for options easily set. Released 1.4.6 2001-01-01 Dave J. Andruczyk Minor code cleanups here and there. Released 1.4.5 2000-12-14 Dave J. Andruzyk Fixed the segfault when changing sample widths. Added an auto-lag adjust that should eliminate the meed to modify the lag when changing fft widths. Released 1.4.4 2000-12-11 Dave J. Andruzyk Fixed some bugs in the convolve code with segfaults on small FFT sizes. Fixed the lag control. (It was backwards). Now readjusting the lag when changing fft width is not necessary. convolve code disabled on fft sizes of 1024 points and smaller, due to buffer overruns, making the convolve not worth it for the small window. (Use 2048 or larger fft widths for convolve to work normally) Released 1.4.3 2000-12-10 Dave J. Andruzyk Fixed a major buffering problem. The harmonics should be much cleaner now, as the previous version was chewing the sound input all to hell the blips in the scope will also be gone.. Released 1.4.2 2000-12-07 Dave J. Andruzyk Removed mixdown function, and combined its functionality into GetFFT to help improve performance and make the code easier to read. Fixed some severe memory leaks, (And probably added some more...) Found that using gtk_timeouts to give the variable frame rate is CPU costly. Know of any other high-resolution timer on the system? (need 1 millisecond resolution MINIMUM, versus the 10 msec or the kernel jiffies timer) Released 1.4.1 2000-11-29 Dave J. Andruzyk Complete Sound I/O rewritten from scratch. Now fully multi-threaded in both Esound, and ALSA. (thanks to tips/code from ecasound). The display now runs as a seperate thread at a constant speed. The fft size is now configurable (via config file only so far). Tested it works properly up to 32768 point FFT's (though it eats my processor completely) and the display is rather like slow motion, due to the releative lack of data to makea 32768 point fft run at 20 frames per sec, so data is somewhat reused to allow for smooth screen motion, instead of the jerky motion of other large point fft's. Release 1.4.0 2000-11-04 Dave J. Andruzyk Fixed Colormap code somewhat. Made eXtace auto-generate 5 colormaps on first startup... Other misc little fixes here and there... Released 1.3.11 2000-10-31 Dave J. Andruzyk Between funerals, sick cats and the project managers from hell, I've managed another release. This is a simple twist (literally) on the good ol' Spectragram, a new mode has been added, Vertical spectrogram, which includes a hi-res 2D spike FFT with axis markers Performance should be as fast as any other modes. The frequency marker bar can be dragged to almost any position (within 125 pixels from the bottom to make sure there's space for the 2D display. Released 1.3.10 2000-10-16 Dave J. Andruzyk Fixed various coding bugs on the 2D Graphic EQ Analyzer. Added clickable markers to see what pip is what frequency in the 2D EQ. Fixed the ALSA detection so that it actually works properly. Added RPM spec file from Alexander Skwar. (Thanks again, Alexander...) Released 1.3.9 2000-10-11 Dave J. Andruzyk Cleanups in scope.c. Removed a whole lotta redundant code. Dropped cpu usages by a whopping 2% (woohoo!). Much easier to read anyway, so it was worth the effort. 2000-10-07 Dave J. Andruzyk Imprevements to 2D EQ scaler. Markers now auto-scale resonably. Looking for suggestions to make the markers look "right"... Thread fixes, (still a deadlock in the sound-switching functions) 2000-10-02 Dave J. Andruzyk Made 2D Graphic Eq Auto-scale much better than before. Fixed a bad code problem and potential memory leak. Preparing for Axis markers for 2D EQ. Added Peak and hold for trailers a-la xmms. Looks cool. Added slider to control panel to adjust peak hold, and falloff speed. 2000-09-26 Dave J. Andruzyk Incorporated patch from Eric Lassauge which fixes colormap bugs, ALSA related bugs, and adds the version to the titlebar. Released 1.3.8 2000-09-22 Dave J. Andruzyk Fixed several threading bugs in the code. should be less likely to lockup on close. (something to do with gdk_threads_enter/leave) Broke out all drawing routines into their own files. This makes it a whole lot easier to add new routines in the future. Fixed colormap saving (had my own home dir hard-coded into the code, oops.) Tested the conditions where ifa user deletes the colormaps so that eXtace doesn't freak with a scrambled colormap... Released 1.3.7 2000-09-21 Dave J. Andruzyk Added flip Y-axis button, to invert display. Fixed several math core dump bugs with sound source. (Thanks to Eric Lassauge for the patch). Released 1.3.6 2000-09-20 Dave J. Andruzyk Added ability to select ALSA card, device and subdevice interactively The changes take effect IMMEDIATELY, which I think is just plain cool Fixed several thread related bugs. eXtace should no longer freeze up when momentarily pausing it in ALSA mode. The lockups that sometimes happened on exit no longer should happen, if so let me know. There is stil the posibility of freezing when switching the ALSA card/device/subdevice while its running. It is a timing issue somewhere, and I haven't got it yet. if you don't try to make it show you'll prolly never see it. Hopefully I can have it fixed by the next release. Released 1.3.5 2000-09-16 Dave J. Andruzyk Added ALSA loopback support. Extace now requires pthreads, due to alsa's kernel callbacks. Added choice in options panel to choose ALSA or ESD for the audio source.. Its getting close to the point where a full reqrite should be done to make it easier to thread for multiple displays and other cool stuff. There are the slight chances for race conditions or segfaults due to my complete lack of knowledge of using threads the Right Way... Released 1.3.4 2000-09-05 Dave J. Andruczyk NEarly complete proper perspective tilting of the 3D spike axis' to a give a much more correct and eye-pleasing display. The axis can now be flipped over properly and dragged to any direction with the proper tilting or the y axis with respect to the X and Z axes. Still needs a little work, but much better that ever. Hopefully the extra trig won't hurt performance.. Relased 1.3.3 2000-08-27 Dave J. Andruczyk Fixed fftw tests due to change in fftw RPM compilation made in fftw 2.1.3. Thanks to Alexander Skwar for pointing out the changes to fftw. Released 1.3.2 2000-08-26 Dave J. Andruczyk Rewrite of 3D landform routines. Added semi-perspective tilting. Works fairly well, though the math ain't right... Split off the main draw routine into its own file to make for easier maintenance. Will prolly do this to all major graphical routines as draw.c was over 1000 lines long. The display over-writing itself is FINALLY fixed. (very very long-standing bug). it should no longer draw over itself corrupting the display anymore no matter what direction you aim it.. Released 1.3.1 2000-07-22 Dave J. Andruczyk Added colormap read/write support. (Asked for feature). eXtace remebers your last one you used and defaults to it when running the next time. An arbritary number of colormaps may be saved and re-used. If you run into problems, close eXtace delete your config file; ~/.eXtace/config adn rerun extace to rebuild theconfig file. Released 1.3.0 2000-06-11 Dave J. Andruczyk Removed GSL support as it seems to no longer be used much, and it has three major versions all of which act differently making it a rela bitch to support. Redid config routine to handle the various possible installations of fftw (double/single precision versions) Should make it work on other systems who have isntalled the BINARY release of fftw 2.1.3 properly. The configure script also CORRECTLY recognizes the missing libs and reacts accordingly. Thoroughly tested with single/double precisions fftw libs and the none versioned one (normally double precision) Released 1.2.25 (1.2.24 never made it to the server...) 2000-05-03 Dave J. Andruczyk REALLY fixed the memory leak in convolve code, thanks to Ralph Loader (author of convolve code) for the fix. Added backing pixmap to all scroling displays. It may or may not eat lots fo extra cpu with it turned on. Seems to depend on how much accelleration X has for your vid card plus the amount of ram avail on the card (for pixmaps and such) Released 1.2.23 2000-04-24 Dave J. Andruczyk Fixed the memory leak in the convolve code thanks to mike perry of njamd fame, and Ralph Loader who originally wrote hte convole code. Increased the window used to match patterns for scope stabilixer to triple its original size, making the scope stable down to 60hz. Below that I run out of samples.. and the display will tend to want to scroll. (use the "sine" program to see for yourself) Released 1.2.22 2000-4-09 Dave J. Andruczyk Todays my birthday, Happy Birthday to me.. :) Added graticule to the scope. It auto-sizes too. Fixed several memory leaks, Found a small bug in convolve code. still working on that one. Released 1.2.21 2000-4-04 Dave J. Andruczyk * Added trailing peaksto Graphic EQ, as per users request. Added more controls to the control panel to turn the peaks on or off as desired and control their decay speed. As usual all settings are stored between sessions. Added trace stabilizer control to the scope controls to see the difference it makes... Released 1.2.20 2000-3-31 Dave J. Andruczyk * Added convolve routine into the scope from Alsaplayer designed by Andy La Foe. Now the scope is a million times more stable making it far easier to read. Released 1.2.19 2000-3-20 Dave J. Andruczyk * Been busier than I'd like. Found some severe code problems, which have been resolved and created some new ones. (4096 point mode goes twice as slow now. (I was only crunchin on 1/2 the data as I was supposed to. Fixed now.) Scope now goes to 1024 points instead of 512 and it will self-truncate is you switch number of points as it should have previously. Fixed the hopefully LAST bug in the window function code, due to the above 1/2 data problem.. The window functions now work better than I ever expected... (use the "sine" program to see what I mean (sine |esdcat) The 3D Spike mode now has semi-perspective axis tilting, which sorta- works, but not quite the way I want. If ANYONE knows howto get a 3D object to look write in 2D space teach me howto do it... Released 1.2.18 2000-2-6 Dave J. Andruczyk * Been busy working for money.... Several minor fixes. Moved the project over to sourceforge.net (extace.sourceforge.net) Cool site! Released 1.2.16 1999-12-12 Dave J. Andruczyk * draw.c. Stereo scopes completed. Seems to be working fairly well, though X intensive. (non-accelerated X servers may be kinda sluggish) Released 1.2.15 (.14 had severe bugs) 1999-12-9 Dave J. Andruczyk * all files. Rewrote audio gathering routine to be stereo freidnly for soon to be made changes. (synaethesia sort of modes coming) Added and internal mixdown routine for the ffts (as they still want mono data until I figure out how to make em faster.) Also ALSA ready thanks to the new mixdown routine. 1999-11-22 Dave J. Andruczyk * draw.c, globals.h main.c Rewrote the options panel to use GTK's notebook widget. (looks a LOT better). Added new scope modes. Rewrote scope routine so its faster, and uses less CPU. Now there are three scopes, selectable via the options panel. Getting ready for an Alsa capable version. (won't require ESD) Released 1.2.13 1999-11-05 Dave J. Andruczyk * draw.c reducer.c Wrote a newer far more functional reduction algo rithm that actually does what I intended it to. Now you can reduce the number of samples in ~./eXtace/config (nsamp) to 1024 or less and still get a decent display. (less resolution and faster of course.) Added "-Wall" to CFLAGS to clean up the code. Released 1.2.12 1999-11-04 Dave J. Andruczyk * dir.c main.c STUPID bug fixed that cause GDK bad window error message. (missing safety check.) Released 1.2.11 1999-11-04 Dave J. Andruczyk * dir.c main.c globals. protos.h. Additions so that gradient window and direction window remeber their positions when they are moved, and then disappear when changing modes.. Released 1.2.10 1999-10-25 Dave J. Andruczyk * draw.c globals.h color_win.c Various bugfixes to color picker to make changing colors a bit easier.. Added a new mode "Wire_3D" which is pretty close to LAND_3D. Released 1.2.9 1999-10-17 Dave J. Andruczyk * globals.h main.c Updated number of buffers to 12 to compensate for the newer esound (0.2.14) which seems to have greater lag (RH 6.1) Released 1.2.7 and 1.2.8 (quickie fix) 1999-10-15 Dave J. Andruczyk * draw.c, misc.c, main.c, globals.h. Added a time scale to the spectrogram. (user suggestion.) Various other optimizations to improve performance. Released 1.2.6 1999-10-13 Dave J. Andruczyk * all files. Major rewrite of the display engine. Squashed MANY bugs. Thanks again to Rolf Mueller for helping me debug the window function code. That part is fully functional and working properly. Fixed DnD (crag n drop) code bug in 3D spike mode. Display optimization code fixed. (should be much faster) even with more data points in the fft (up to 4096). I noticed redhat incorporated eXtace into redhat 6.1 (woohoo!!). Released 1.2.5 1999-10-05 Dave J. Andruczyk * Removed Gnome dependancies, and other unneeded cruft. Thanksa million to Andy Lo A Foe, for the patch, and the advice. Other configure cleanups. Should configure about 4 times faster... Released 1.2.4 1999-10-04 Dave J. Andruczyk * window functions acting screwy. Looking for assistance... Minor code improvements to spectrogram for moving the axis smoothly Release 1.2.3 1999-09-20 Dave J. Andruczyk * window functions improved slightly. Now are user selectable on the fly from the options menu. Settings are saved between sessions. Found a bug/featurwith the window function where it ONLY has the desired behavior when setup for 1024 points. who the hell knows... the display is still cool, and accurate, so what the hell... Released 1.2.2 1999-09-16 Dave J. Andruczyk * Window Functions FIXED!!. Thanks to Rolf Mueller for the insight into window functions. It was mistakenly used on the freq domain data along with the time domain data giving a rather weird view. 7 Window functions are avail, and will be added to a menu soon. misc.c Signifcant speedups accomplished by moving some code around. Now uses 10% less CPU time as prior releases. Scope mode now uses 50% less cpou time. (fft was being computed when it didn't need to be) 1999-09-15 Dave J. Andruczyk * misc.c globals.h. Upped the number of samples per fft block to 4096. (gives a 2048 point fft (i think :)) Need to rewrite display sections for spike and spectrogram to reduce redndant writes to the same pixel location. (who's running wiht 2048 pixels across?) Should dramatically reduce CPU especially on slow machines (I hope). Fixed a bug in the audio buffering routine, where old data seemed to slip in and mess up the display. Now the buffer is zeroed before being refilled. 1999-09-07 Dave J. Andruczyk * color_win.c misc.c main.c, and others. Wrote color picker routine so you can change colors on the fly. (slow as hell when it has to regenerate the entire colormap each time you change it). Any suggestions to improve this (lousy) method are welcomed. NOTE: color choices are NOT savced on closing (yet). Hopefully the next release will address that. Released 1.2.0 1999-08-29 Dave J. Andruczyk * dir.c, misc.c Fixed color routine so you doin't get duplicate color spectrum when over 64 bands. Minor changes to direction control widget to make it less sensitive and easier to control. Released 1.1.16 1999-08-16 Dave J. Andruczyk * init.c globals.h events.c misc.c Changed spec_start to a float so it doesn;t mess up when you shrink the window. (stored as a percentage instead of an pixel value) Released 1.1.15 1999-08-10 Dave J. Andruczyk * misc.c events.c. Minor fixes, the new spectrogram mode is now draggable to anywhere on the window. Axis markers are now standard on the spectrogram. Full autoscaling as usual... Released 1.1.14 1999-08-05 Dave J. Andruczyk * draw.c main.c. Fixes for a stupid error that caused eXtace to segfault due to doing a "bad thing". Added a new mode called Spectragram. submitted by Gregor Leusch Released 1.1.13 1999-07-28 Dave J. Andruczyk * init.c Damn axis type was set to "linear" instead of log, made the landscape view and graphic eq look like crap.. fixed Released 1.1.12 1999-07-28 Dave J. Andruczyk * main.c globals.h, init.c: Now window position is saved between sessions. so it comes up whereever you had it last. Thanks to the Alsaplayer code for that tidbit.. Released 1.1.11 1999-07-22 Dave J. Andruczyk * draw.c misc.c init.c: Fixes in init.c for not saving/restoring the sensitivity setting. Fixed window function routines, and added six more window functions from the "freq51" package. Will add them to the menus in hte next release. (you can manually pick them by editing the "config" file in ~/eXtace/ ) Released 1.1.10 1999-07-19 Dave J. Andruczyk * configure.in events.c: Added additional debugging code with regards to the DND code. Minor fixes causing the 3D Pointed fft to be undraggable fixed. (typo :( ) -- later that evening.... main.c Fix for display coming up and not doing anything. cause was leaving it in the "stars mode" (about button). missing function so it wouldn't restart on rerunning now fixed. Released 1.1.9 1999-07-16 Dave J. Andruczyk * configure.in Fix to accomatate missing esd-config scripts Released 1.1.8 1999-07-15 Dave J. Andruczyk * configfile.c configfile.h Copied and hacked from the xmms tree. (thanks guys, saved me tons of work!!). Now extace auto-saves options upon close, and restores them at next run. Released 1.1.6 1999-07-14 Dave J. Andruczyk * events.c Reqrote DND routine for moving the trace around. Now implements locking so you can move as fast as you want. Also fixed numerous positional bugs when grabbing and moving the the traces. If any bugs are noticed email them to me ASAP. (I need the start and end points for X and Y and the X and Z speeds (from the control panel)) Released 1.1.5 1999-07-13 Dave J. Andruczyk * dir.c buttons.c logo.xpm Redid the logo to include Raster and Michael Fulbright of Redhat (original authors of extace). minor bugfixes.. 1999-07-12 Dave J. Andruczyk * main.c draw.c minor fixes to the decay routines to prevent "yellow spot syncdrome" on the 3D landscape view. Extended decay amount slider up to 10, (makes the Graphic eq more like my home stereo). buttons.c Made the direction controller disappear when its note needed. (i.e. when graphic eq, scope, or "about" is up) 1999-07-12 Dave J. Andruczyk * configure.in MAJOR BUGFIX!!. Now compiles PROPERLY again with with FFTW library. missing library check in the script. Released 1.1.3 1999-07-11 Dave J. Andruczyk * configure.in misc.c: Fixed broken configure tests in regards to the fftw and gsl libraries and headers. Got some bug reports regarding particular version of the gsl library. need to do more tests. Released 1.1.2 1999-07-09 Dave J. Andruczyk * dir.c gc_maker.c Wrote 3D direction controller. Works REALLY well. just hold the button down and drag in the direction you wanna go. Auto-udates the control panel as well. A touch sensitive on the 3D spike view. 1999-07-09 Dave J. Andruczyk * draw.c main.c events.c Fixed broken defines for gsl due to working in the wrong build tree :) Put stubs in place for 3D directional control window. Released 1.0.4 1999-07-09 Dave J. Andruczyk * draw.c events.c Fixed DND routine so that its more lenient as to how close you have to get to get a lock on it. removed persepctive tilt stuff as it will require a rewrite of the main drawing routines, due to the lack or proper trig calculations. :( Released 1.0.3 1999-07-09 Dave J. Andruczyk * draw.c main.c Fixe improper defines, added tests for older version of gsl which seemed to put the headers in a different location. Released 1.0.2 1999-07-07 Dave J. Andruczyk * draw.c Working on proper slant of the trace and leading edge. Sorta works, but proportions are way off. Time to dig out the trig books... :( Released 1.1alpha1 1999-07-06 Dave J. Andruczyk * events.c Minor fixes in DND code. Disbaled triangle-old-data remover. too many bugs in it.. :( Released 1.0.1 1999-07-06 Dave J. Andruczyk * Numerous fixes in configure scripts. Added DND for the axis's Now the axis's can be dragged and placed wherever you want on the window. You have to "go slow" as I haven't made it "lock onto" the trace while you're moving it. (so it ain't really true DND) but its still a cool feature... :) Released 1.0 Configured configure.in so that the whole thing is now standalone. 1999-07-02 Dave J. Andruczyk * Now the official maintainer of extace. Broke it out of the gnome- media tree and made it standalone as its beginning to grow. Has a self configuring "automake" system now which detects the gsl, and fftw libs, and configures appropriately. Works well so far