For now, I'm not going to monkey with trying to install the X?Emacs lisp stuff. It's sitting in the examples direcotory for now. I need to look everything over more, and make sure it all works, plus figure out how to go about installing it for the various emacsen. That's second priority after getting the packaging setup and cvs-buildpackage stuff working right, then ensuring that guile and guile-scsh are working correctly and that guile-gtk can be compiled and linked to libguile3. This version is compiled with multi thread support enabled. I am told that gtk+ is not reentrant, and that the guile-gtk cannot be used from multiple threads. I wonder if it will work if only one thread handles the GUI, while other threads do other work? I've bought a book on multithreaded programming, and have begun to read it... I've not studied GUI programming at all yet, and have a huge stack of other reading (with programming excercises) that I need to get through first. I would appreciate it if someone with the requisite skills would perform some experiments with this release of libguile3 and the guile-gtk packages. You will have to build your own copy until we know this all works together. As things progress, I expect to have that all going for us... PLEASE use the `bug' program and report anything wrong. I will forward relevant bugs upstream, sometimes with bugfix patches attached. If you can send a patch through me, I thank you in advance for saving us the time and work. I'll try and see that the patches aren't lost. Hopefully by the next Guile release, it will be all squared away. There are several ChangeLog files. They are suffixed with the source directory name where they came from. Ones with "local" in the name are mine. I am maintaining my own CVS repository of the guile sources, which I keep in sync from the anonymous CVS server that distributes the canonical sources. I use ChangeLog.local so that entries I make don't cause merge clashes every time I `cvs update -jsource-dist:yesterday -jsource-dist'. All of my changes and patches I've applied are visible in the .diff.gz that comes with the source package. I will try hard to log all of the modifications I've made to the canonical upstream distribution. Hopefully some of them will become part of their copy also. Karl M. Hegbloom Guile 1.3 Maintainer