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Info Node: (elisp)Margins


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Margins for Filling

 - User Option: fill-prefix
     This buffer-local variable specifies a string of text that appears
     at the beginning of normal text lines and should be disregarded
     when filling them.  Any line that fails to start with the fill
     prefix is considered the start of a paragraph; so is any line that
     starts with the fill prefix followed by additional whitespace.
     Lines that start with the fill prefix but no additional whitespace
     are ordinary text lines that can be filled together.  The
     resulting filled lines also start with the fill prefix.

     The fill prefix follows the left margin whitespace, if any.

 - User Option: fill-column
     This buffer-local variable specifies the maximum width of filled
     lines.  Its value should be an integer, which is a number of
     columns.  All the filling, justification, and centering commands
     are affected by this variable, including Auto Fill mode (Note:
     Auto Filling).

     As a practical matter, if you are writing text for other people to
     read, you should set `fill-column' to no more than 70.  Otherwise
     the line will be too long for people to read comfortably, and this
     can make the text seem clumsy.

 - Variable: default-fill-column
     The value of this variable is the default value for `fill-column'
     in buffers that do not override it.  This is the same as
     `(default-value 'fill-column)'.

     The default value for `default-fill-column' is 70.

 - Command: set-left-margin from to margin
     This sets the `left-margin' property on the text from FROM to TO
     to the value MARGIN.  If Auto Fill mode is enabled, this command
     also refills the region to fit the new margin.

 - Command: set-right-margin from to margin
     This sets the `right-margin' property on the text from FROM to TO
     to the value MARGIN.  If Auto Fill mode is enabled, this command
     also refills the region to fit the new margin.

 - Function: current-left-margin
     This function returns the proper left margin value to use for
     filling the text around point.  The value is the sum of the
     `left-margin' property of the character at the start of the
     current line (or zero if none), and the value of the variable

 - Function: current-fill-column
     This function returns the proper fill column value to use for
     filling the text around point.  The value is the value of the
     `fill-column' variable, minus the value of the `right-margin'
     property of the character after point.

 - Command: move-to-left-margin &optional n force
     This function moves point to the left margin of the current line.
     The column moved to is determined by calling the function
     `current-left-margin'.  If the argument N is non-`nil',
     `move-to-left-margin' moves forward N-1 lines first.

     If FORCE is non-`nil', that says to fix the line's indentation if
     that doesn't match the left margin value.

 - Function: delete-to-left-margin &optional from to
     This function removes left margin indentation from the text between
     FROM and TO.  The amount of indentation to delete is determined by
     calling `current-left-margin'.  In no case does this function
     delete non-whitespace.  If FROM and TO are omitted, they default
     to the whole buffer.

 - Function: indent-to-left-margin
     This is the default `indent-line-function', used in Fundamental
     mode, Text mode, etc.  Its effect is to adjust the indentation at
     the beginning of the current line to the value specified by the
     variable `left-margin'.  This may involve either inserting or
     deleting whitespace.

 - Variable: left-margin
     This variable specifies the base left margin column.  In
     Fundamental mode, `C-j' indents to this column.  This variable
     automatically becomes buffer-local when set in any fashion.

 - Variable: fill-nobreak-predicate
     This variable gives major modes a way to specify not to break a
     line at certain places.  Its value should be a function.  This
     function is called during filling, with no arguments and with
     point located at the place where a break is being considered.  If
     the function returns non-`nil', then the line won't be broken

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