GNU Info

Info Node: (gnus)Group Information

(gnus)Group Information

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Group Information

`H f'
     Try to fetch the FAQ for the current group
     (`gnus-group-fetch-faq').  Gnus will try to get the FAQ from
     `gnus-group-faq-directory', which is usually a directory on a
     remote machine.  This variable can also be a list of directories.
     In that case, giving a prefix to this command will allow you to
     choose between the various sites.  `ange-ftp' (or `efs') will be
     used for fetching the file.

     If fetching from the first site is unsuccessful, Gnus will attempt
     to go through `gnus-group-faq-directory' and try to open them one
     by one.

`H d'
`C-c C-d'
     Describe the current group (`gnus-group-describe-group').  If given
     a prefix, force Gnus to re-read the description from the server.

     Describe all groups (`gnus-group-describe-all-groups').  If given a
     prefix, force Gnus to re-read the description file from the server.

`H v'
     Display current Gnus version numbers (`gnus-version').

     Give a very short help message (`gnus-group-describe-briefly').

`C-c C-i'
     Go to the Gnus info node (`gnus-info-find-node').

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