GNU Info

Info Node: ( Whole Graph

( Whole Graph

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Printing the Whole Graph

   Now we are nearly ready to print the whole graph.

   The function to print the graph with the proper labels follows the
outline we created earlier (Note: A Graph with Labelled Axes.
), but with additions.

   Here is the outline:

     (defun print-graph (numbers-list)
       (let ((height  ...
         (print-Y-axis height ... )
         (graph-body-print numbers-list)
         (print-X-axis ... )))

The final version
A few changes.
Test print-graph
Run a short test.
Graphing words in defuns
Executing the final code.
How to write an anonymous function.
Apply a function to elements of a list.
Another Bug
Yet another bug ... most insidious.
Final printed graph
The graph itself!

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