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Time Functions Example

   Here is an example program showing the use of some of the calendar
time functions.

     #include <time.h>
     #include <stdio.h>
     #define SIZE 256
     main (void)
       char buffer[SIZE];
       time_t curtime;
       struct tm *loctime;
       /* Get the current time. */
       curtime = time (NULL);
       /* Convert it to local time representation. */
       loctime = localtime (&curtime);
       /* Print out the date and time in the standard format. */
       fputs (asctime (loctime), stdout);
       /* Print it out in a nice format. */
       strftime (buffer, SIZE, "Today is %A, %B %d.\n", loctime);
       fputs (buffer, stdout);
       strftime (buffer, SIZE, "The time is %I:%M %p.\n", loctime);
       fputs (buffer, stdout);
       return 0;

   It produces output like this:

     Wed Jul 31 13:02:36 1991
     Today is Wednesday, July 31.
     The time is 01:02 PM.

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