
Manpage of ASPELL


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aspell - An interactive spell checker  


aspell [options] <command>


This manual page documents briefly the aspell interactive spell checker. This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution because the original program does not have a manual page. Instead, it has documentation in HTML and text formats; see below.

aspell is a utility that can function as a 'ispell -a' replacement, as an independent spell checker, as a test utility to test out Aspell features and as a utility for managing dictionaries.  


<command> is one of:
check <file>
to check a file
'ispell -a' compatible mode
dump the current configuration to stdout
passes standard input through the same set of filters that would be used to spell check a document
print online help
print version number and exit
dump|create|merge master|personal|repl [word list]
dump, creates or merges a master, personal or replacement word list
[options] is one of:
main configuration file
directory containing the main configuration file
directory containing the language data files
directory containing the main word list
add or remove a filter
directory containing personal configuration files
where n is an integer. Ignore words less than or equal to n characters
ignore case when checking words
ignore commands to store replacement pairs
default language to use
-d, --master=<name>
main word list base name
set filter mode to str. Where str is one of - none, url, email, sgml, tex
-e, --mode=email
enter email mode
-H, --mode=sgml
enter html/sgml mode
-t, --mode=tex
enter TEX mode
personal configuration file
personal word list file
replacements list file name
suggestion mode. Where mode is one of - fast, normal, bad-spellers

Plus options to modify the behavior of the various filter:

email quote characters
number of characters that can appear before the quote character
add or remove SGML tags to always check
add or remove SGML file extensions
add or remove TEX commands
check TEX comments

In addition, there are some aspell utility specific options:

create a backup file by appending '.bak' to the file name. (Only applies when the command is check)
-x, --dont-backup
dont create backup file
[dont] time load time and suggest time in pipe mode
[dont] reverse the order of the suggestions list

In addition aspell will try to make sense out of ispell's command line options so that it can function as a drop in replacement for ispell. If aspell is run without any command line options it will display a brief help screen and quit.



aspell can also make use of a global or user configuration file. Each line of the configuration file has the format:
<option> [args]

where <option> is any one of the standard library options above without the leading dashes. For example the following line will set the default language to german:

lang german

Anything after a '#' on a line is ignored. Use 'aspell dump config' to find out how your installation of aspell is configured. The environment variable ASPELL_CONF may also be used and it overrides any option set in the config file. The format of the string is exactly the same as the configuration file except that semicolons (';') are used as delimiters instead if newlines.

The global configuration file for aspell is /etc/aspell.conf and the per user configuration file is ~/.aspell.conf  


run-with-aspell(1), word-list-compress(1).

aspell is fully documented in the aspell-doc package. Install that package and see /usr/share/doc/aspell-doc/man-html and /usr/share/doc/aspell-doc/man-text.  


This manual page was written by Sudhakar Chandrasekharan <>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).




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Time: 20:42:42 GMT, November 11, 2024