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Manpages GIFBURSTSection: User Commands (1)Updated: Index Return to Main Contents NAMEgifburst - This program breaks into equal-sized tiles a GIF image.SYNOPSISgifburst [-s n] [-p b] gif-fileDESCRIPTIONThe gifburst program takes a named GIF file and breaks it into equal-sized tiles. This is useful if a GIF is too large for your viewer, so you have to look at it in sections.OPTIONS
NOTEThe gifburst program is written on Perl, using the C utilities. You must have both the giflib utilities and Perl installed to run it.SEE ALSOgif2bgi(1), gif2epsn(1), gif2herc(1), gif2iris(1), gif2ps(1), gif2rgb(1), gif2rle(1), gif2x11(1), gifasm(1), gifbg(1), gifclip(1), gifclrmp(1), gifcolor(1), gifcomb(1), gifcompose(1), giffix(1), giffiltr(1), gifflip(1), gifhisto(1), gifinter(1), gifinto(1), gifovly(1), gifpos(1), gifrotat(1), gifrsize(1), gifspnge(1), giftext(1), gifwedge(1), icon2gif(1), raw2gif(1), rgb2gif(1), rle2gif(1), text2gif(1)COPYRIGHTThe GIFLIB distribution is Copyright (c) 1997 Eric S. RaymondAUTHORSGershon ElberEric S. Raymond <>
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