Manpages HOSTNAMESection: Linux Programmer's Manual (1)Updated: 28 Jan 1996 Index Return to Main Contents NAMEhostname - show or set the system's host namednsdomainname - show the system's DNS domain name SYNOPSIShostname [-v] [-a] [--alias] [-d] [--domain] [-f] [--fqdn] [-i] [--ip-address] [--long] [-s] [--short] [-y] [--yp] [--nis]
hostname [-v] [-F filename] [--file filename] [hostname]
hostname [-v] [-h] [--help] [-V] [--version]
dnsdomainname [-v] DESCRIPTIONHostname is used to either set or display the current host or domain name of the system. This name is used by many of the networking programs to identify the machine. The domain name is also used by NIS/YP.GET NAMEWhen called without any arguments, the program displays the current names:
hostname will print the name of the system as returned by the gethostname(2) function.
dnsdomainname will print the domain part of the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name). The complete FQDN of the system is returned with hostname --fqdn. SET NAMEWhen called with one argument or with the --file option, the commands set the host name or the NIS/YP domain name.
Note, that only the super-user can change the names.
It is not possible to set the FQDN or the DNS domain name with the dnsdomainname command (see THE FQDN below).
The host name is usually set once at system startup in /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 or /etc/init.d/boot (normally by reading the contents of a file which contains the host name, e.g. /etc/hostname). THE FQDNYou can't change the FQDN (as returned by hostname --fqdn) or the DNS domain name (as returned by dnsdomainname) with this command. The FQDN of the system is the name that the resolver(3) returns for the host name.
Technically: The FQDN is the name gethostbyname(2) returns for the host name returned by gethostname(2). The DNS domain name is the part after the first dot. Therefore it depends on the configuration (usually in /etc/host.conf) how you can change it. Usually (if the hosts file is parsed before DNS or NIS) you can change it in /etc/hosts.
FILES/etc/hostsAUTHORSPeter Tobias, <>Bernd Eckenfels, <> (NIS and manpage).
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