Manpages CONSERVER.CFSection: File Formats (5)Updated: Local Index Return to Main Contents - console configuration file for conserver(8)SYNOPSISLOGDIR=logdirectory TIMESTAMP=timestamp-spec BREAKn=break-spec name:device[@conserver]:baud:logfile:timestamp-spec:break name:!termserver[@conserver]:port:logfile:timestamp-spec:break name:|command[@conserver]::logfile:timestamp-spec:break %% access: hosts is the configuration file for conserver(8). It is read once upon startup; modifications to the file take effect only upon restarting conserver.Blank lines and comment lines (those beginning with a ``#'' and optional leading whitespace) are ignored. Non-ignored lines beginning with whitespace are considered continuations of the previous line. This allows you to span one logical line over many physical lines and insert comments wherever appropriate. The first section of the file has logical lines that are separated into five colon-separated fields. Leading and trailing white space in each field is ignored.
device, !termserver, and |command may be followed by a remote console server name in the form ``@conserver'', in which case the conserver daemon will send connections for name to the conserver running on the host named conserver. When the ``@conserver'' notation is used, conserver recognizes consoles it should manage locally by comparing the IP address of conserver against the IP address of the name returned by gethostname(). Thus, it will recognize host aliases, but not names that map to different IP addresses that may exist on the same host, so care must be used in specifying the hostname. Since conserver does recognize its own hostname, the same cf file may be used by all servers in a network if every console line includes a ``@conserver'' specification.
The break-spec sequences are defined using the BREAKn= syntax where n is a number from 1 to 9. There are three builtin defaults: ``BREAK1=\z'', ``BREAK2=\r~^b'', and ``BREAK3=#.reset -x\r''. The values of the BREAKn sequences are simple characters strings with the exception of `\' and `^':
This section is terminated with a `%%' token on a line by itself. The next section of the file contains a list of hosts and addresses which are allowed to connect to the console server. Conserver looks for the first match in the config file for a client's IP address (or network), or hostname (or domain) if it is able to do a reverse lookup on the IP address, to determine the level of access to be granted. Three levels of access may be specified: ``trust'', ``allow'', and ``refuse''. The access level is followed by a colon and a space-separated list of addresses or host names. Any number of any combination of these levels may be specified, bearing in mind that conserver uses the first match for each incoming client connection, so order is important. Any complete suffix of a host name may be used to define access for all hosts in that subdomain. For example, `' will allow `' and `', but not `' or `'. For IP addresses, optional netmask lengths may be specified in CIDR `/' notation. For example, `' will allow the class C space of, but `' will allow only the lower half of that same address space ( thru EXAMPLE# name:path:baud:logfile:mark:breakLOGDIR=/tmp # overriding the builtin BREAK3 sequence BREAK3=#.reset\r # adding another break sequence BREAK8=+++ # # This logs to /tmp/treelog...using BREAK8 tree:/dev/ttyj0:9600e:&log::8 # # This logs to /tmp/fishlog... fish:/dev/ttyj1:4800e:fishlog: # # Now we're defaulting to /var/tmp for logfiles... LOGDIR=/var/tmp # # So, this is /var/tmp/birdlog with 1-hour timestamps bird:/dev/ttyj2:4800m:&log:1h # # And this is /var/tmp/solarlog, using BREAK4, no timestamps solar:|telnet solar::solarlog::4 # # Now things are all in /var/consoles/<console name> LOGDIR=/var/consoles shell:|::&: # # These open connections to ports 2003 and 2004 of ts1 # using BREAK2 and BREAK3 tribe:!ts1:2003:&::2 # This one also has 10-minute timestamps and activity logging reptile:!ts1:2004:&:10ma:3 # # This opens /dev/ttyh0 if running on; # otherwise, clients are redirected to that host. mentor:/dev/ %% # # access restrictions # (note that the "" entry must appear # before the "" entry if connections from # "badhost" are to be rejected, since only the first match # is used) # trusted: refuse: allow: SEE ALSOconsole(1), conserver.passwd(5), conserver(8)
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