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Manpages LINKSKEYSSection: File Formats (5)Updated: Apr, 2002 Index Return to Main Contents
NAMElinkskeys - links WWW browser key bindings
DESCRIPTIONKey bindings for links should be placed in a file called ~/.links/user.cfg. This file will be read from but not written to, so you may put comments in there.Key binding statements are of the form:
KEYSValid keys are: alphanumeric characters, punctuation, Enter, Backspace, Tab, Escape, Left, Right, Up, Down, Insert, Delete, Home, End, PageUp, PageDown, F1 to F12. Some keys will need to be quoted or escaped. For example, space can be written as " " (quote space quote), and the quote itself as \" (backslash quote). Backslash can be written as \\ (double backslash).
MAIN KEYMAP ACTIONSThe main keymap is used for general browsing.
EDIT KEYMAP ACTIONSThe edit keymap is used for editing text fields.
MENU KEYMAP ACTIONSThe menu keymap is used for navigating menus.
DEFAULT BINDINGSThe default bindings are shown below. Any bindings in user.cfg will override these. This list is given as an example, and may not be up to date.
bind main PageDown page-down bind main " " page-down bind main Ctrl-F page-down bind main PageUp page-up bind main b page-up bind main B page-up bind main Ctrl-B page-up bind main Down down bind main Up up bind main Ctrl-Insert copy-clipboard bind main Ctrl-C copy-clipboard bind main Insert scroll-up bind main Ctrl-P scroll-up bind main Delete scroll-down bind main Ctrl-N scroll-down bind main [ scroll-left bind main ] scroll-right bind main Home home bind main Ctrl-A home bind main End end bind main Ctrl-E end bind main Right enter bind main Enter enter bind main Left back bind main d download bind main D download bind main / search bind main ? search-back bind main n find-next bind main N find-next-back bind main f zoom-frame bind main F zoom-frame bind main Ctrl-R reload bind main g goto-url bind main G goto-url-current bind main a add-bookmark bind main A add-bookmark bind main s bookmark-manager bind main S bookmark-manager bind main q quit bind main Q really-quit bind main = document-info bind main | header-info bind main \\ toggle-html-plain bind main * toggle-display-images bind main Tab next-frame bind main Esc menu bind main F9 menu bind main F10 file-menu bind edit Left left bind edit Right right bind edit Home home bind edit Ctrl-A home bind edit Up Up bind edit Down down bind edit End end bind edit Ctrl-E end bind edit Ctrl-Insert copy-clipboard bind edit Ctrl-B copy-clipboard bind edit Ctrl-X cut-clipboard bind edit Ctrl-V paste-clipboard bind edit Enter enter bind edit Backspace backspace bind edit Ctrl-H backspace bind edit Delete delete bind edit Ctrl-D delete bind edit Ctrl-U kill-to-bol bind edit Ctrl-K kill-to-eol bind edit Ctrl-W auto-complete bind menu Left left bind menu Right right bind menu Home home bind menu Ctrl-A home bind menu Up up bind menu Down down bind menu End end bind menu Ctrl-E end bind menu Enter enter bind menu PageDown page-down bind menu Ctrl-F page-down bind menu PageUp page-up bind menu Ctrl-B page-up # ELinks only bind main u unback bind main U unback bind main Ctrl-K cookies-load bind edit F4 edit bind edit Ctrl-T edit # Links-Lua and ELinks bind main , lua-console FILES/etc/links.cfg Site-wide configuration file. ~/.links/user.cfg Per-user configuration file, loaded after site-wide configuration.
AUTHORThis manual page was finally written by Peter Wang (one and a half years after writing the binding code), using excerpts by David Mediavilla. You can thank Petr Baudis for the subtle requests for documentation..
SEE ALSOlinks(1)
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