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Manpages sane-appleSection: SANE Scanner Access Now Easy (5)Updated: 13 May 1998 Index Return to Main Contents NAMEsane-apple - SANE backend for Apple flatbed scannersDESCRIPTIONThe sane-apple library implements a SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) backend that provides access to Apple flatbed scanners. At present, the following scanners are supported from this backend:
If you own a Apple scanner other than the ones listed above that works with this backend, please let us know by sending the scanner's model name, SCSI id, and firmware revision to See for details on how to subscribe to sane-devel. DEVICE NAMESThis backend expects device names of the form:
Where special is either the path-name for the special device that corresponds to a SCSI scanner. For SCSI scanners, the special device name must be a generic SCSI device or a symlink to such a device. Under Linux, such a device name could be /dev/sga or /dev/sge, for example. See sane-scsi(5) for details. CONFIGURATIONThe contents of the apple.conf file is a list of options and device names that correspond to Apple scanners. Empty lines and lines starting with a hash mark (#) are ignored. See sane-scsi(5) on details of what constitutes a valid device name.Options come in two flavors: global and positional ones. Global options apply to all devices managed by the backend whereas positional options apply just to the most recently mentioned device. Note that this means that the order in which the options appear matters! SCSI ADAPTER TIPSSCSI scanners are typically delivered with an ISA SCSI adapter. Unfortunately, that adapter is not worth much since it is not interrupt driven. It is (sometimes) possible to get the supplied card to work, but without interrupt line, scanning will put so much load on the system, that it becomes almost unusable for other tasks.FILES
CURRENT STATUSThe apple backend is now in version 0.3 (Tue Jul 21 1998). Since I only have the AppleScanner and not the other models (OneScanner, ColorOneScanner) I can only develop/test for the AppleScanner effectively. However with this release I almost complete the gui part of all scanners. Most of the functionality is there. At least OneScanner should scan at the AppleScanner's compatible modes (LineArt, HalfTone, Gray16). My personal belief is that with a slight touch of debugging the OneScanner could be actually usable. The ColorOneScanner needs more work. AppleScanner is of course almost fully supported.MISSING FUNCTIONALITYCurrently all 3 models are lacking upload/dowload support.
The above functionalities are not only missing because I don't actually have the hardware to experiment on it. Another reason is the lack of understanding of how SANE API could provide enaugh means to me to actually describe other array types than the gamma one. UNSUPPORTED FEATURES.The following "features" will never be supported. At least as I am maintaining the sane-apple backend.
BUGSThe bugs in a sane backend are divided in two classes. We have GUI bugs and scanner specific bugs.We know we have a GUI bug when a parameter is not showing up itself when it should (active) or vice versa. To find out which parameters are active accross various Apple modes and models from the documentation is an interesting exercise. I may missed some dependancies. For example for the threshold parameter the Apple Scanners Programming guide says nothing. I had to assume that is valid only in LineArt mode. Scanner specific bugs are mostly due to mandatory round offs in order to scan. In the documentation in some place states that the width of the scan area should be a byte multiple. In an other place says that the width of the scan area should be an even byte multiple. Go figure... Other source of bugs are due to scsi communcation, scsi connects and disconnects. However the classical bugs are still there. So you may encouter buffer overruns, null pointers, memory corruption and SANE API violations.
DEBUGIf you encounter a GUI bug please set the environment variable SANE_DEBUG_APPLE to 255 and rerun the excact sequence of keystrokes and menu selections to reproduce it. Then send me a report with the log attached.It would be very helpfull if you have handy an Apple machine (I am not sure how Mackintoshs are spelled) with the AppleScanners driver installed and check what option are grayed out (inactive) in what modes and report back to me. If you want to offer some help but you don't have a scanner or you don't have the model you would like to offer some help, or you are a sane developer and you just want to take a look at how the apple backend looks like. Goto to apple.h and #define the NEUTRALIZE_BACKEND macro. You can select the scanner model through the APPLE_MODEL_SELECT macro. Available options are APPLESCANNER, ONESCANNER, COLORONESCANNER. If you encounter a SCSI bus error or trimmed and/or displaced images please also set the environment variable SANE_DEBUG_SANEI_SCSI to 255 before sendme the report. TODO
SEE ALSOsane(7), sane-scsi(5)AUTHORThe sane-apple backend was written not entirely from scratch by Milon Firikis. It is mostly based on the mustek backend from David Mosberger and Andreas Czechanowski
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