Following is a list of suffixes which are likely to be found on a
Linux system.
Suffix | File type
- | backup file
.C | C++ source code, equivalent to .cc
.F | Fortran source with cpp(1) directives
| or file compressed using freeze
.S | assembler source with cpp(1) directives
.Y | file compressed using yabba
.Z | file compressed using compress(1)
.[0-9]+gf | TeX generic font files
.[0-9]+pk | TeX packed font files
.[1-9] | manual page for the corresponding section
.[1-9][a-z] | manual page for section plus subsection
.a | static object code library
.ad | X application default resource file
.ada | Ada source (may be body, spec, or combination)
.adb | Ada body source
.ads | Ada spec source
.afm | PostScript font metrics
.al | Perl autoload file
.am | automake(1) input file
.arc | arc(1) archive
.arj | arj(1) archive
.asc | PGP ASCII-armoured data
.asm | (GNU) assember source file
.au | Audio sound file
.aux | LaTeX auxiliary file
.avi | (msvideo) movie
.awk | AWK language program
.b | LILO boot loader image
.bak | backup file
.bash | bash(1) shell script
.bb | basic block list data produced by
| gcc -ftest-coverage
.bbg | basic block graph data produced by
| gcc -ftest-coverage
.bbl | BibTeX output
.bdf | X font file
.bib | TeX bibliographic database, BibTeX input
.bm | bitmap source
.bmp | bitmap
.bz2 | file compressed using bzip2(1)
.c | C source
.cat | message catalog files
.cc | C++ source
.cf | configuration file
.cfg | configuration file
.cgi | WWW content generating script or program
.cls | LaTeX Class definition
.class | Java compiled byte-code
.conf | configuration file
.config | configuration file
.cpp | equivalent to .cc
.csh | csh(1) shell script
.cxx | equivalent to .cc
.dat | data file
.deb | Debian software package
.def | Modula-2 source for definition modules
.def | other definition files
.desc | initial part of mail message unpacked with
| munpack(1)
.diff | file differences (diff(1) command output)
.dir | dbm data base directory file
.doc | documentation file
.dsc | Debian Source Control (source package)
.dtx | LaTeX package source file
.dvi | TeX's device independent output
.el | Emacs-Lisp source
.elc | compiled Emacs-Lisp source
.eps | encapsulated PostScript
.exp | Expect source code
.f | Fortran source
.f77 | Fortran 77 source
.f90 | Fortran 90 source
.fas | pre-compiled Common-Lisp
.fi | Fortran include files
.fig | FIG image file (used by xfig(1))
.fmt | TeX format file
.gif | Compuserve Graphics Image File format
.gmo | GNU format message catalog
.gsf | Ghostscript fonts
.gz | file compressed using gzip(1)
.h | C or C++ header files
.help | help file
.hf | equivalent to .help
.hlp | equivalent to .help
.htm | poor man's .html
.html | HTML document used with the World Wide Web
.hqx | 7-bit encoded Macintosh file
.i | C source after preprocessing
.icon | bitmap source
.idx | reference or datum-index file for hypertext
| or database system
.image | bitmap source
.in | configuration template, especially for GNU Autoconf
.info | files for the Emacs info browser
.info-[0-9]+ | splitted info files
.ins | LaTeX package install file for docstrip
.itcl | itcl source code;
| itcl ([incr Tcl]) is an OO extension of tcl
.java | a Java source file
.jpeg | Joint Photographic Experts Group format
.jpg | poor man's .jpeg
.kmap | lyx(1) keymap
.l | equivalent to .lex or .lisp
.lex | lex(1) or flex(1) files
.lha | lharc archive
.lib | Common-Lisp library
.lisp | Lisp source
.ln | files for use with lint(1)
.log | log file, in particular produced by TeX
.lsm | Linux Software Map entry
.lsp | Common-Lisp source
.lzh | lharc archive
.m | Objective-C source code
.m4 | m4(1) source
.mac | macro files for various programs
.man | manual page (usually source rather than formatted)
.map | map files for various programs
.me | Nroff source using the me macro package
.mf | Metafont (font generator for TeX) source
.mgp | MagicPoint file
.mm | sources for groff(1) in mm - format
.mo | Message catalog binary file
.mod | Modula-2 source for implementation modules
.mov | (quicktime) movie
.mp | Metapost source
.mp2 | MPEG Layer 2 (audio) file
.mp3 | MPEG Layer 3 (audio) file
.mpeg | movie file
.o | object file
.old | old or backup file
.orig | backup (original) version of a file, from patch(1)
.out | output file, often executable program (a.out)
.p | Pascal source
.pag | dbm data base data file
.patch | file differences for patch(1)
.pbm | portable bitmap format
.pcf | X11 font files
.pdf | Adobe Portable Data Format
| (use Acrobat/acroread or xpdf)
.perl | Perl source (see .ph, .pl and .pm)
.pfa | PostScript font definition files, ASCII format
.pfb | PostScript font definition files, binary format
.pgm | portable greymap format
.pgp | PGP binary data
.ph | Perl header file
.php | PHP program file
.php3 | PHP3 program file
.pid | File to store daemon pid (e.g.
.pl | TeX property list file or Perl library file
.pm | Perl module
.png | Portable Network Graphics file
.po | Message catalog source
.pod | perldoc(1) file
.ppm | portable pixmap format
.pr | bitmap source
.ps | PostScript file
.py | Python source
.pyc | compiled python
.qt | quicktime movie
.r | RATFOR source (obsolete)
.rej | patches that patch(1) couldn't apply
.rpm | RedHat software package
.rtf | Rich Text Format file
.rules | rules for something
.s | assembler source
.sa | stub libraries for a.out shared libraries
.sc | sc(1) spreadsheed commands
.scm | Scheme source code
.sed | sed source file
.sgml | SGML source file
.sh | sh(1) scripts
.shar | archive created by the shar(1) utility
.so | Shared library or dynamically loadable object
.sql | SQL source
.sqml | SQML schema or query program
.sty | LaTeX style files
.sym | Modula-2 compiled definition modules
.tar | archive created by the tar(1) utility
.tar.Z | tar(1) archive compressed with compress(1)
.tar.bz2 | tar(1) archive compressed with bzip2(1)
.tar.gz | tar(1) archive compressed with gzip(1)
.taz | tar(1) archive compressed with compress(1)
.tcl | tcl source code
.tex | TeX or LaTeX source
.texi | equivalent to .texinfo
.texinfo | Texinfo documentation source
.text | text file
.tfm | TeX font metric file
.tgz | tar archive compressed with gzip(1)
.tif | poor man's .tiff
.tiff | Tagged Image File Format
.tk | tcl/tk script
.tmp | temporary file
.tmpl | template files
.txt | equivalent to .text
.uu | equivalent to .uue
.uue | binary file encoded with uuencode(1)
.vf | TeX virtual font file
.vpl | TeX virtual property list file
.w | Silvio Levi's CWEB
.wav | wave sound file
.web | Donald Knuth's WEB
.wml | Source file for Web Meta Language
.xbm | X11 bitmap source
.xcf | GIMP graphic
.xml | eXtended Markup Language file
.xsl | XSL stylesheet
.xpm | X11 pixmap source
.xs | Perl xsub file produced by h2xs
.y | yacc(1) or bison(1) (parser generator) files
.z | File compressed using pack(1) (or an old gzip(1))
.zip | zip(1) archive
.zoo | zoo(1) archive
*~ | Emacs or patch(1) backup file
*rc | startup (`run control') file, e.g. .newsrc