# This file sets defaults for analog. See Readme.html for documentation. # This is an example of how to make analog process mail server logs. # Use mail.lng to change analog's output. You should pipe your mail logs # through the maillog2commonlog program, and send that output to analog. # By Joey Hess (joeyh@master.debian.org) # May be distributed under the terms of the Gnu General Public License. LANGFILE mail.lng # We don't need the concept of pages for mail logs. PAGEEXCLUDE * CASE INSENSITIVE ALLGRAPH R MONTHLY ON MONTHCOLS BP WEEKLY ON WEEKCOLS BP DAILY ON DAYCOLS RBrb FULLDAILY ON FULLDAYCOLS RB HOURLY ON HOURCOLS RBrb MONTHLY ON MONTHCOLS RBrb WEEKLY ON WEEKCOLS RBrb DOMAIN ON DOMFLOOR -20r DOMSORTBY REQUESTS HOST ON HOSTSORTBY REQUESTS HOSTFLOOR -20r DIRECTORY ON DIRSORTBY REQUESTS DIRFLOOR -20r # This gets rid of the slashes. DIROUTPUTALIAS /*/ * REQUEST OFF FILETYPE OFF STATUS OFF