----------------------------------< CREDITS >----------------------------------- Graphics and code by KARL BARTEL: E-mail: karlb@gmx.net Homepage: http://members.linuxstart.com/~karlb/ Particle code, ideas and other support by LION KIMBRO: E-mail: SnowLion@sprynet.com The music was written by THE LIZARD KING E-mail: gustaf.grefberg@pp.itv.se Homepage: http://www.itv.se/~a1055/frames.html Some levels by STEPHAN: E-mail: emailme@enthralling.com Backgounds grabbed from the "eterm-backgrounds_1.0-1.deb" the authors say about it: "NONE of these images are original work by either of the Eterm authors; they have all been collected from various sites on the web. As far as I know, they are all freely available for use. However, should any person who can provide proof of ownership of any of these pictures object to their inclusion, they will be IMMEDIATELY withdrawn. No copyright infringement is intended. Inclusion here should be taken as a compliment. :-)"