README for Solaris platforms ---------------------------- The Solaris port has contributions from Bjorn Augustsson and Andrew White. Bjorn found and fixed a number of problems, which crs merged into the first offical release. Andrew added platform dependent files and is implementing the sound code. Packaging code still needs doing, too. Bjorn's fixes included: * `sun' reserved on Solaris; had to rename some variables * SIG_PF doesn't need to be defined * sun's OpenGL uses macros for glColor*() (bzflag uses the address of glColor*() in one place; had to change that by wrapping glColor*() in a function.) * must use the defines for the float math functions * change fcntl FNDELAY to fcntl O_NDELAY * change ioctl FIONBIO to fcntl O_NDELAY * hstrerror() doesn't exist * changed u_int16_t and u_int32_t to uint16_t and uint32_t * INADDR_NONE not defined Bjorn reports that gcc 2.95 doesn't compile bzflag but gcc 2.95.2 does. -- The following are the comments of Andrew White. 22nd June 1999 Changes: -------- - Sound now works ok. Only 16bit stereo is supported, so if your card isn't up to date then it won't work - sorry! - bzfrelay now compiles ok - I haven't tested it though - please let me know if it works or you encounter problems Known Problems: --------------- - Still no package installation - bzflag doesn't work when I use WindowMaker - it displays a large window then core dumps! I still haven't figured this one out yet. It seems to be an intermittent problem. Try 'bzflag -window' instead of full screen. This "usually" works. Any ideas? 17th June 1999 This port is work in progress. Currently, there is no sound support, but should be available very soon. Known Problems: --------------- - Sound doesn't work! It's not been implemented yet! I have an almost working version but wasn't willing to release it until it's finished - can't have Chris's hard work core dumping now can we! - When compiling I get errors when make tries to build bzfrelay. Time isn't on my side at the moment so this little utility takes last place in the to-do list. I feel it's more important to get the sound code working first. Basically, ignore these errors! Everything has been compiled correctly except bzfrelay. - There's no package installation for Solaris Again, this isn't so important yet. You should be able to run bzflag quite happily from the build directory. - I have an Elite3D graphics card and an Ultra-60 with loads of memory, but bzflag runs really slow when I move the quality to medium or high? The Elite3D card was produced by Sun to fill market demand. Unfortunately, this demand doesn't involve doing the kind of texture mapping that you normally find in everyday games and simulations. In order to get superior performance for texture mapping, you have to place enough memory on the frame buffer to hold the textures. The Elite3D only permits a 16x16 tex map and holds ALL textures in the main memory of your workstation! As a result performance is particularly poor. The only way around this is to talk Sun into developing a leading edge graphics card that supports texture mapping, or, talk to some of the PCI card manufacturers - maybe one of them is willing to write the drivers for a voodoo card! - bzflag doesn't work when I use WindowMaker - it displays a large window then core dumps! I'm still looking into this one. Try using dtwm or olwm instead. For any comments please mail me at: