Chromium B.S.U. Please read the INSTALL file. Chromium B.S.U. is distributed under terms of the Artistic License. See the LICENSE file for details. Environment Variables: * CHROMIUM_SCORE - By default, high scores are kept in the ~/.chromium-score file. If the CHROMIUM_SCORE env var is set, Chromium will use that filename instead. (for example, if you want to compete w/ friends for high scores) * CHROMIUM_DATA - directory name where data files are kept. By default, Chromium will look for ../data. -------------------------------------------------- Chromium B.S.U. command line options -------------------------------------------------- -f/--fullscreen : run in fullscreen mode -w/--window : run in windowed mode -v/--vidmode : mode 0 = 512 x 384 : 1 = 640 x 480 : 2 = 800 x 600 : 3 = 1024 x 768 : 4 = 1280 x 1024 -na/--noaudio : do not initialize audio --------------------------------------------------