Ogg/Vorbis is not always detected in the OpenAL configure script. If you are running Mandrake7.2, you can enable Vorbis support by following these directions. cd to the Chromium directory: > ./configure --enable-vorbis > make support > cd ./support/openal/linux Open up "config.h" in your favorite editor, go to the end of the file, and add this line: #define VORBIS_SUPPORT 1 Then: > make > cp -f ./src/libopenal.a ../lib > cd ../../../ > make chromium Chromium B.S.U. should now have been built with Ogg/Vorbis support. To verify: > cd ./bin > ./chromium-setup Click on the "Enable PlayList" checkbox, click on the "Music PlayList" tab, then click the "OpenAL" button in the lower right corner. If "*.ogg;*.OGG" is in the "Supported file types" box, you're good to go.