/* * Tiny test program for the `spawn console' key * (should not use signal; should not use sleep) * aeb - 941025 * * Note: this functionality has become part of init. * * Note: open(1) is now part of the `open' Debian package. * * You do not want to it on a system, as takes RAM for * nothing more than what init does. * * To use init, edit the "kb" entry in /etc/inittab. * Eg: * kb::kbrequest:/bin/open -sl -- login */ #include #include /* system */ #include /* open */ #include /* sleep */ #include /* ioctl */ #include void sighup(){ system("open -s -l -- login -h spawn"); signal(SIGHUP, sighup); } void main(){ int fd; fd = open("/dev/console", 0); if (fd < 0) fd = 0; signal(SIGHUP, sighup); ioctl(fd, KDSIGACCEPT, (long) SIGHUP); while(1) sleep(3600); }