# a subtree for monitoring USR modem chassis, contributed # by Jeremy Fischer , based on a modem # monitoring script by Jeff Jensen target --default-- modem = %auto-target-name% short-desc = "" # You'll need to set your domain domain = yournetwork.net # you'll probably want to change this... unless you # have Cricket in ~/cricket and your config tree in ~/config util-dir = /usr/share/cricket/util #snmp-community = private snmp-host = "%modem%.%domain%" usrGetUsage = "%auto-base%/../cricket/util/usrModemUsage" usrGet = "%usrGetUsage% %modem% %snmp-community%" target-type = USRModem datasource --default-- rrd-ds-type = GAUGE rrd-heartbeat = 1800 rrd-min = undef rrd-max = undef datasource linesup ds-source = EXEC:0:%usrGet% targetType USRModem ds = "linesup" view = "LinesUP: linesup" html short-desc USRModems graph --default-- precision = integer graph linesup color = dark-green draw-as = AREA y-axis = "Lines Used" legend = "Lines Used"