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Debian Policy Manual
Chapter 5 - Packaging Considerations

5.1 Time Stamps

Maintainers should preserve the modification times of the upstream source files in a package, as far as is reasonably possible.[15]

5.2 debian/rules - the main building script

This file must be an executable makefile, and contains the package-specific recipes for compiling the package and building binary package(s) from the source.

It must start with the line #!/usr/bin/make -f, so that it can be invoked by saying its name rather than invoking make explicitly.

Since an interactive debian/rules script makes it impossible to auto-compile that package and also makes it hard for other people to reproduce the same binary package, all required targets MUST be non-interactive. At a minimum, required targets are the ones called by dpkg-buildpackage, namely, clean, binary, binary-arch, binary-indep, and build. It also follows that any target that these targets depend on must also be non-interactive.

The required and optional targets are as follows:

build, build-arch (optional), build-indep (optional)
The build target should perform all non-interactive configuration and compilation of the package. If a package has an interactive pre-build configuration routine, the Debianized source package must either be built after this has taken place (so that the binary package can be built without rerunning the configuration) or the configuration routine modified to become non-interactive. (The latter is preferable if there are architecture-specific features detected by the configuration routine.)

For some packages, notably ones where the same source tree is compiled in different ways to produce two binary packages, the build target does not make much sense. For these packages it is good enough to provide two (or more) targets (build-a and build-b or whatever) for each of the ways of building the package, and a build target that does nothing. The binary target will have to build the package in each of the possible ways and make the binary package out of each.

The build target must not do anything that might require root privilege.

The build target may need to run the clean target first - see below.

When a package has a configuration and build routine which takes a long time, or when the makefiles are poorly designed, or when build needs to run clean first, it is a good idea to touch build when the build process is complete. This will ensure that if debian/rules build is run again it will not rebuild the whole program.[16]

binary, binary-arch, binary-indep
The binary target must be all that is necessary for the user to build the binary package(s) produced from this source package. All of these targets are required to be non-interactive. It is split into two parts: binary-arch builds the binary packages which are specific to a particular architecture, and binary-indep builds those which are not.

binary may be (and commonly is) a target with no commands which simply depends on binary-arch and binary-indep.

Both binary-* targets should depend on the build target, or on the appropriate build-arch or build-indep target, if provided, so that the package is built if it has not been already. It should then create the relevant binary package(s), using dpkg-gencontrol to make their control files and dpkg-deb to build them and place them in the parent of the top level directory.

Both the binary-arch and binary-indep targets must exist. If one of them has nothing to do (which will always be the case if the source generates only a single binary package, whether architecture-dependent or not), it must still exist and must always succeed.

The binary targets must be invoked as root.[17]

This must undo any effects that the build and binary targets may have had, except that it should leave alone any output files created in the parent directory by a run of a binary target. This target must be non-interactive.

If a build file is touched at the end of the build target, as suggested above, it should be removed as the first action that clean performs, so that running build again after an interrupted clean doesn't think that everything is already done.

The clean target may need to be invoked as root if binary has been invoked since the last clean, or if build has been invoked as root (since build may create directories, for example).

get-orig-source (optional)
This target fetches the most recent version of the original source package from a canonical archive site (via FTP or WWW, for example), does any necessary rearrangement to turn it into the original source tar file format described below, and leaves it in the current directory.

This target may be invoked in any directory, and should take care to clean up any temporary files it may have left.

This target is optional, but providing it if possible is a good idea.

The build, binary and clean targets must be invoked with the current directory being the package's top-level directory.

Additional targets may exist in debian/rules, either as published or undocumented interfaces or for the package's internal use.

The architectures we build on and build for are determined by make variables using the utility dpkg-architecture. You can determine the Debian architecture and the GNU style architecture specification string for the build machine (the machine type we are building on) as well as for the host machine (the machine type we are building for). Here is a list of supported make variables:

where * is either BUILD for specification of the build machine or HOST for specification of the host machine.

Backward compatibility can be provided in the rules file by setting the needed variables to suitable default values; please refer to the documentation of dpkg-architecture for details.

It is important to understand that the DEB_*_ARCH string only determines which Debian architecture we are building on or for. It should not be used to get the CPU or system information; the GNU style variables should be used for that.

5.3 debian/changelog

This file records the changes to the Debian-specific parts of the package[18].

It has a special format which allows the package building tools to discover which version of the package is being built and find out other release-specific information.

That format is a series of entries like this:

     package (version) distribution(s); urgency=urgency
       * change details
         more change details
       * even more change details
     	    -- maintainer name <email
     	      address>[two spaces]  date

package and version are the source package name and version number.

distribution(s) lists the distributions where this version should be installed when it is uploaded - it is copied to the Distribution field in the .changes file. See Distribution, Section 3.2.4.

urgency is the value for the Urgency field in the .changes file for the upload. It is not possible to specify an urgency containing commas; commas are used to separate keyword=value settings in the dpkg changelog format (though there is currently only one useful keyword, urgency).[19]

The change details may in fact be any series of lines starting with at least two spaces, but conventionally each change starts with an asterisk and a separating space and continuation lines are indented so as to bring them in line with the start of the text above. Blank lines may be used here to separate groups of changes, if desired.

If this upload resolves bugs recorded in the Bug Tracking System (BTS), they may be automatically closed on the inclusion of this package into the Debian archive by including the string: closes: Bug#nnnnn in the change details.[20]

The maintainer name and email address used in the changelog should be the details of the person uploading this version. They are not necessarily those of the usual package maintainer. The information here will be copied to the Changed-By field in the .changes file, and then later used to send an acknowledgement when the upload has been installed.

The date should be in RFC822 format[21]; it should include the time zone specified numerically, with the time zone name or abbreviation optionally present as a comment in parentheses.

The first `title' line with the package name should start at the left hand margin; the `trailer' line with the maintainer and date details should be preceded by exactly one space. The maintainer details and the date must be separated by exactly two spaces.

5.3.1 Defining alternative changelog formats

It is possible to use a different format to the standard one, by providing a parser for the format you wish to use.

A changelog parser must not interact with the user at all.

5.4 debian/substvars and variable substitutions

When dpkg-gencontrol, dpkg-genchanges and dpkg-source generate control files they perform variable substitutions on their output just before writing it. Variable substitutions have the form ${variable}. The optional file debian/substvars contains variable substitutions to be used; variables can also be set directly from debian/rules using the -V option to the source packaging commands, and certain predefined variables are also available.

The debian/substvars file is usually generated and modified dynamically by debian/rules targets; in this case it must be removed by the clean target.

See dpkg-source(1) for full details about source variable substitutions, including the format of debian/substvars.

5.5 debian/files

This file is not a permanent part of the source tree; it is used while building packages to record which files are being generated. dpkg-genchanges uses it when it generates a .changes file.

It should not exist in a shipped source package, and so it (and any backup files or temporary files such as files.new[22]) should be removed by the clean target. It may also be wise to ensure a fresh start by emptying or removing it at the start of the binary target.

When dpkg-gencontrol is run for a binary package, it adds an entry to debian/files for the .deb file that will be created when dpkg-deb --build is run for that binary package. So for most packages all that needs to be done with this file is to delete it in the clean target.

If a package upload includes files besides the source package and any binary packages whose control files were made with dpkg-gencontrol then they should be placed in the parent of the package's top-level directory and dpkg-distaddfile should be called to add the file to the list in debian/files.

5.6 Restrictions on objects in source packages

The source package may not contain any hard links[23], device special files, sockets or setuid or setgid files.[24]

5.7 Descriptions of packages - the Description field

The description is intended to describe the program to a user who has never met it before so that they know whether they want to install it. It should also give information about the significant dependencies and conflicts between this package and others, so that the user knows why these dependencies and conflicts have been declared.

5.7.1 Notes about writing descriptions

The single line synopsis should be kept brief - certainly under 80 characters.

Do not include the package name in the synopsis line. The display software knows how to display this already, and you do not need to state it. Remember that in many situations the user may only see the synopsis line - make it as informative as you can.

Do not try to continue the single line synopsis into the extended description. This will not work correctly when the full description is displayed, and makes no sense where only the summary (the single line synopsis) is available.

The extended description should describe what the package does and how it relates to the rest of the system (in terms of, for example, which subsystem it is which part of).

The description field needs to make sense to anyone, even people who have no idea about any of the things the package deals with.[25]

Put important information first, both in the synopsis and extended description. Sometimes only the first part of the synopsis or of the description will be displayed. You can assume that there will usually be a way to see the whole extended description.

You may include information about dependencies and so forth in the extended description, if you wish.

Do not use tab characters. Their effect is not predictable.

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Debian Policy Manual

version, 2002-03-14
Ian Jackson ijackson@gnu.ai.mit.edu
Christian Schwarz schwarz@debian.org
revised: David A. Morris bweaver@debian.org
The Debian Policy mailing List debian-policy@lists.debian.org