dosemu for Debian ----------------- The dosemu has been preconfigured for you with minimal options. You can just run xdosemu or dosemu to get a dos prompt. Please be aware that the configuration files for dosemu are in /etc/dosemu rather than /etc. 0.98.8-2 or less ----------------- If you are upgrading from 0.98.8-2 or less, please note that /etc/dosemu/{conf, users} have been renamed as /etc/dosemu/dosemu.{conf, users}. lredir ------ The number 46 in errors like this Error 46 redirecting drive D: to LINUX\FS/PATH is the value returned by int 0x21 with AX=0x5f03. Similarly, the number in Error 46 cancelling redirection on drive D: is the value returned by int 0x21 with AX=0x5f04. FreeDOS ------- Initially dosemu is configured to use FreeDOS. Until a FreeDOS package can be made that meets requirements of the Debian distribution, you will have to download it separately. It can be fetched from To install it: cd /usr/lib mkdir -p dosemu freedos ln -s ../freedos dosemu tar zxf /pathto/dosemu-freedos-bin.tgz dosemu/freedos chown -R root.root freedos chmod -R og=rX freedos rm dosemu/freedos Because dosemu may replace certain files in the freedos tar ball, you must do this before you install dosemu or reinstall dosemu after you've done this. Herbert Xu, $Id: README.Debian,v 1.9 2001/08/05 01:35:15 herbert Exp $