This directory contains several extensions to the core engine. An extension is a separately compilable unit which can be linked by a client application to add new functionalities to the engine. There are two kinds of extensions: an `API extension' provides clients with new APIs to access internal engine structures or data, while an `engine extension' implements new TrueType data or table management. This directory contains the following: ftxcmap: An API extension to iterate over cmaps. ftxgasp: A simple API extension which returns the TrueType `gasp' table to client applications, when found in a font file. Though this table is always loaded by the engine, there is no function in the core API to access it. The reason is simple: to demonstrate a simple API extension with `ftxgasp'! ftxkern: This engine extension is used to access kerning data, when available in a font file. Note that it implements on-the-fly loading and retrieving of kerning tables. However, it doesn't interpret or process the data, and client applications should use it according to the TrueType specification. ftxpost: An engine extension to load the PostScript glyph names of the `post' table. See the `ftzoom' program for an example how to use it. ftxwidth: A simple extension used to load the widths and heights of a given range of glyphs in a face. Results are expressed in unscaled font units. This is required by the latest version of the FreeType/2 DLL to speed up font loading in the GRE (the OS/2 GRaphics Engine). It can be used by other applications though... ftxerr18: This extension simply converts a TrueType engine error code into a corresponding string describing the error. It is useful if you intend to write a package for end users and want to give them not `Error code 135' but `OS/2 table missing'. See docs/errstr.txt for a description how to use it (really simple!). ftxerr18 supports localization of error strings (that is: error strings are automatically translated into supported languages) using gettext(). See docs/i18n.txt about using gettext. ftxsbit: Embedded bitmap support. This is an engine extension. See e.g. the `ftstrtto' program for its usage. ftxopen, ftxgsub, ftxgpos, ftxgdef: This is experimental stuff for TrueType Open support! Please ignore it or help debugging :-) --- END ---