Gaspell version .30 April 3, 2000 Gnome frontend to the Aspell library. Or put another way a simple spell checker that does a way better job than ispell does with coming up with suggestions. In order to use it both Gnome 1.* ( and Aspell .30 ( need to be installed in your system. Gcc 2.95+ or egcs 1.1 as the C++ compiler is also required. To build it simply type make and then ./gaspell to run it. If that does not work edit the Makefile and try again. To install simply copy the gaspell executable into /usr/local/bin/ or some other place in your path. You might also want to copy the gnome.desktop file to /usr/share/gnome/apps/Utilities or a similar location so that the gaspell will appear under the utilities menu. Besides the regular gtk+ and gnome flags gaspell supports the following standard aspell options: --conf= main configuration file --conf-dir= location of main configuration file --data-dir= location of language data files --dict-dir= location of the main word list --add|rem-filter= add or removes a filter --home-dir= location for personal files --ignore= ignore words <= n chars --[dont-]ignore-case ignore case when checking words --[dont-]ignore-repl ignore commands to store replacement pairs --lang= default language to use --master= main word list base name --mode= filter mode = none|url|email|sgml|tex --per-conf= personal configuration file --personal= personal word list file name --repl= replacements list file name --sug-mode= suggestion mode = fast|normal|bad-spellers --add|rem-email-quote= email quote characters --email-margin= num chars that can appear before the quote char --add|rem-sgml-check= sgml tags to always check. --add|rem-sgml-extension= sgml file extensions --add|rem-tex-command= TeX commands --[dont-]tex-check-comments check TeX comments Please see the aspell manual for a detailed explanation of what all these options do. As well as: --dict-host= Host name of DICT server --dict-port= Port number of DICT server --infile= File name to check. To skip over a region (say a block of code) click on stop. Move the cursor to where you want to start again. Then click on start. Lookup will lookup the definition of what ever word that is in the correction box. Auto will automatically lookup a word when ever you click on it in the suggestion list. Try it out and let me know what you think. PS: I will switch to automake/autoconf once I figure out how to get it to work with gnome properly. Any help would be more than appreciated.