gedit Plugins - Verision 0.7.9 and above. The best way to learn how the plugins work, is to look at the code for other plugins. The plugin architecture has been rewriten, so the docs described below are obsolete. Please let us know if you are writing a new plugin. You should use gedit convenience functions for interaction with gedit : The only functions you should use to interact with gedit are : gedit_window_active(); gedit_view_active(); gedit_view_get_selection(); gedit_view_set_position(); gedit_view_get_position(); gedit_docuemnt_current(); gedit_document_get_buffer(); gedit_document_get_buffer_length(); gedit_document_insert_text(); gedit_document_delete_text(); gedit_document_replace_text(); gedit_plugin_program_location_get(); gedit_plugin_program_location_change(); gedit_flash_va (); Please use the naming convention as the email plugin. Chema gEdit Plugins - v0.6.1 For information on developing plugins, read plugins/plugin_howto. Currently, all plugins are stored in "/usr/local/libexec/go/plugins", and can be run from the "Plugins" menu in gEdit... (If you write a Plugin for gEdit, please write a corresponding Info note about it for this file. Thankyou -Alex) Information on the current Plugins ---------------------------------- Convert Written By: Alex Roberts (Original idea by Evan Lawrence) * A handy tool that can convert Decimal value to Hex, or Octal; and a Hex value to Decimal (Evan thought of this... I was bored... and wrote it ;)... Project Manager Written By: Mikael Hermansson * This plugin allows you to Manage programming Projects, displaying a tree of the .c source files and the header include files used by the source file. Double clicking on the source file or a header file will open it into gEdit. Spell: Written By: Martin Wahlen * A cool spell checking plugin, using Ispell.... Quite buggy ATM Email: Written By: Evan Lawrence * This handy little plugin can Email the current document to any email address, via a dialog box where you can choose From:, To: and Subject:...! Encrypt: Written By: Alex Roberts and Chris Lahey * An Encryption plugin. It will Encrypt/Decrypt the current document. This plugin uses the ROT13 encryption type... Reverse: Written By: Chris Lahey * A fun little plugin, that will reverse the text in the current document... Diff: Written By: Chris Lahey * This plugin will make a unified diff patch file between two files... CVS-Diff: Written By: Chris Lahey * This, like the above, Diff, plugin creates a diff between the current document, and the corresponding file in a CVS tree. (Only tested with the Gnome CVS tree)... Hello: Written By: Chris Lahey and Alex Roberts * A simple plugin which prints 'Hello World' to Stdout. With the comments included in the source, this can be used as a simple demonstration on writing plugins... Shell: Written By: Martin Baulig * This is a gmodule plugin using libzvt from gnome-libs/zvt to display a shell... ctags: Written By: Fred Leeflang * This plugin reads ctags generated tags files and makes navigation in multiple source files easier by colorising the known tags and making it possible to navigate to these tags. Browser: Written By: Alex Roberts * This nifty plugin calls Lynx (with the -dump arg), and lets you view webpages (via lynx) in gEdit.. Lynx HAS to be in /usr/bin * This plugin will store the last visited URL. Wordcount: Written By: Chris Lahey * Dumps the number of Characters, Words and Paragraphs in the current document out to STDOUT. (Note - Wouldnt a GUI interface be better than outputting to STDOUT? -Alex) Man: Written By: Alex Roberts * Lets you view Man pages within gEdit. Time: Written By: Alex Roberts * Inserts the current date/time into the current document.