This is a collection of GPL gnome-vfs modules. Since they are GPL they cannot be distributed with the gnome-vfs package. The modules compile against the stable gnome-vfs package (1.0.x), and probably the unstable (CVS) one too. INSTALLATION ------------ Compile with the same prefix and sysconfdir as your gnome-vfs and make install. If your gnome-vfs install is from an rpm, chances are that your gnome-vfs copy was configured with --prefx=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc In this case, make sure you do that to, or otherwise make sure that extra-modules.conf ends up in /etc/vfs/modules where gnome-vfs will look for it. Make sure you restart nautilus before trying to use it. Included modules ================ smb-method This lets you browse the "network neighbourhood" like in windows by entering the location smb:// in Nautilus. This lists the workgroups on your local network, and you can browse around servers and shares. You can also go directly to smb servers by entering the location smb://server/, where server is the NMB (windows) name, the dns name or the ip address. By using ip you can reach machines outside your local subnet. There is currently no support for popping up user/password dialogs, so if you need to log in to access shares use the smb://user:password@server/share/ notation.