Congratulations! You have purchased an extremely fine device that would give you thousands of years of trouble-free service, except that you undoubtably will destroy it via some typical bonehead consumer maneuver. Which is why we ask you to PLEASE FOR GOD'S SAKE READ THIS OWNER'S MANUAL CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU UNPACK THE DEVICE.YOU ALREADY UNPACKED IT, DIDN'T YOU?YOU UNPACKED IT AND PLUGGED IT IN AND TURNED IT ON AND FIDDLED WITH THE KNOBS,AND NOW YOUR CHILD, THE SAME CHILD WHO ONCE SHOVED A POLISH SAUSAGE INTO YOUR VIDEOCASSETTE RECORDER AND SET IT ON "FAST FORWARD", THIS CHILD ALSO IS FIDDLING WITH THE KNOBS, RIGHT? AND YOU'RE JUST NOW STARTING TO READ THE INSTRUCTIONS, RIGHT??? WE MIGHT AS WELL JUST BREAK THESE DEVICES RIGHT AT THE FACTORY BEFORE WE SHIP THEM OUT, YOU KNOW THAT? -- Dave Barry, "Read This First!" To Paola :) * ***GnomerMind README*** Hi! thank you for trying this game!:)I really like it, as i liked the original version, and I spent some time programming it... less time, however, than how much I've spent playing... and this should be a nice warranty... ;-) This simple puzzle game - that I've called GnomerMind as an assonance with MasterMind - was inspired by the game MasterMind,or more precisely by Logic,a nice version of it available on some Nokia cellular phones. I've kept the concept, and programmed a version by myself...I intended extending their features with a better graphic and more configurability. This is always work in progress,however;if you expected something more, tell me!:) For any info, comment, insult, bug report, please write me (see AUTHORS). Please e-mail me also if you like this game... You can also subscribe to the mailing list, for announcements, desires, and discussions... see footnotes! --Mano :) PS: all the copyrighted names and registered marks used in this documentation are property of the respective owners... If it violates any copyright to mention them here, tell me, and I'll cancel them! Gnomermind : Mano : Mailing list :