set parametric set hidden3d set nokey set xrange [0:8] set yrange [-4:4] set zrange [-2:2] set data style line set title "Demo of multiple mesh per file capability - Digitized Blue Whale" splot "whale.dat" pause -1 "Press Return" set title "Demo of multiple mesh per file capability - Digitized Blue Whale" set xlabel "Mesh or Network 0" splot "whale.dat" index 0 pause -1 "Press Return" set autoscale z set xlabel "Mesh or Network 6" set autoscale z splot "whale.dat" index 6 using 3:2:1 pause -1 "Press Return" set zrange [-2:2] set xlabel "Mesh or Network 12" splot "whale.dat" index 12 with points pause -1 "Press Return" set xlabel "Mesh or Network 13" splot "whale.dat" i 13 pause -1 "Press Return - A Loop over Indices could be done with reread" # #file "loop" # maxmsh = 16 # ind = (ind + 1)%maxmsh # splot "whale.dat" i ind # reread "loop" set xlabel "Mesh or Network 4" splot "whale.dat" i 4 pause -1 "Press Return" set xlabel "Mesh or Network 5" splot "whale.dat" i 5 pause -1 "Press Return" set title "" set xlabel "" set nohidden3d set auto set noparametric