%****************************************************************************** % File: @(#)$Id: notes.tex,v 1.11 2001/02/24 06:00:16 Martin Rel $ % Contents: Notes an writing a ghostscript device driver % This is a TeX file using the LaTeX package. % Author: Martin Lottermoser, Greifswaldstrasse 28, 38124 Braunschweig, % Germany. E-mail: Martin.Lottermoser@t-online.de. % %****************************************************************************** % % Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 by Martin Lottermoser % All rights reserved % %****************************************************************************** \documentclass[twoside,a4paper]{article} % Macros to extract RCS information \def\RCScontents$#1:#2 ${\ignorespaces#2} \def\RCSDate$#1: #2/#3/#4 #5${#2--#3--#4} % Extracted RCS information. \setbox0=\hbox{\RCScontents$Locker: $} \ifdim\wd0=0pt \edef\Revision{\RCScontents$Revision: 1.11 $} \edef\Date{\RCSDate$Date: 2001/02/24 06:00:16 $} \def\BottomInfo{Version \Revision} \else \edef\Revision{\RCScontents$Revision: 1.11 $+} \def\Date{\today} \def\BottomInfo{Version of \Date} \def\draft{} \fi % Title page information \author{Martin Lottermoser\cr {\tt Martin.Lottermoser@t-online.de}\cr Greifswaldstra{\ss}e 28\cr 38124 Braunschweig\cr Germany} \title{Notes on Writing a {\it Ghostscript\/} Device Driver for Printers} \date{Version \Revision\ (\Date)} % 25mm margins for A4 \textwidth=160truemm \evensidemargin=-0.4truemm \oddsidemargin=\evensidemargin \topmargin=-0.4truemm \textheight=247truemm \advance\textheight by -\headheight \advance\textheight by -\headsep \advance\textheight by -\footskip % Page layout \pagestyle{myheadings} \makeatletter \markboth{\@title}{\@title} \def\@oddfoot{{\tiny\sl \BottomInfo\/}\hfil} \makeatother % Paragraph layout \setlength{\parindent}{0mm } \setlength{\parskip}{1.5mm plus 0.5mm minus 0.5mm } %****************************************************************************** % Normal underscore \catcode`\_=\active \newcommand{\normalUS}{\catcode`\_=\active \def_{\char`\_}} \catcode`\_=8 % My version of LaTeX does not know that cmtt has braces and substitutes them % from cmsy. \newcommand{\lb}{\char"7B} \newcommand{\rb}{\char"7D} % Abbreviations \newcommand{\gs}{\textit{ghostscript\/}} \newcommand{\Gs}{\textit{Ghostscript\/}} % Markup \newenvironment{note}{\begin{quote}\small}{\end{quote}} \newenvironment{program}{\begin{quote} \normalUS\ttfamily\obeylines\obeyspaces\parskip=0mm \parindent=0mm }% {\end{quote}} \newcommand{\ps}[1]{{\sffamily\bfseries #1}} % PostScript names in the text \renewcommand{\d}[1]{{\bfseries #1}} % definition of a concept or name \newcommand{\prog}[1]{\texttt{#1}} \newcommand{\file}[1]{\texttt{#1}} % file names \bibliographystyle{plain} \hyphenation{ghost-script} \newif\ifdraft \draftfalse \expandafter\ifx\csname draft\endcsname\relax\else \drafttrue \fi %****************************************************************************** \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents %****************************************************************************** \section{Introduction} This document contains remarks which I consider useful for persons implementing a \gs\ device driver for printers. It is based on my experiences and in particular the mistakes I made in implementing the \textit{hpdj/pcl3\/} driver~\cite{hpdj,pcl3}. And yes, I have made lots of mistakes, and I do not guarantee anything about the accuracy of this document either. The topics covered in this document can be arranged in the following categories: \begin{itemize} \item Suggestions on how to approach the implementation of a \gs\ device driver \item Information which is in my opinion necessary for properly implementing a driver but which I could not find in \gs's documentation \item Information I have collected for convenience \item Parts which logically belong into the design documentation for the \textit{hpdj/pcl3\/} driver but which have wider applicability \end{itemize} As the title indicates, this is not an exhaustive introduction on how to write a \gs\ device driver. You will need to access other documentation as well (and, of course, do some thinking of your own), preferably before reading this paper. This document is still largely incomplete. %??? %============================================================================== \subsection{The Most Important Advice on Writing a \Gs\ Device Driver} \begin{center} \bigskip \begin{picture}(120, 30) \put(60,15){\oval(120,30)} \put(60,15){\makebox(0,0){\hfil\Large\em Don't do it!\/\hfil}} \end{picture} \bigskip \end{center} You should disregard this advice only if all of the following conditions are true: \begin{itemize} \item You are prepared to spend a substantial amount of time on this task. \item You have or are prepared to acquire sufficient knowledge of PostScript to find relevant information in the {\it PostScript Language Reference\/}~\cite{PostScript3}, hereafter abbreviated as ``PLR3''. You must know chapters~6 and~7 (excluding sections~6.3 and~7.1) pretty well. \item You either know \gs's internal APIs (in particular~\cite{Drivers6.01}) and programming conventions or are prepared to learn them. (Obvious, of course, but I still thought I'd better mention it.) \item You can read large amounts\footnote{% % Aladdin gs 5.50: 243089 lines for *.c and *.h, 32914 for *.ps. % loc gave 168705 NLOC for *.c and *.h. \Gs\ has roughly 250,000~lines of C and 33,000~lines of PostScript code~[gs~5.50].} of source code (C and PostScript) written by another person and locate and understand those sections which are relevant to a problem you have encountered. If you wish to write a reliable driver, you will have to do this much more often than you expect. \item In view of in particular the amount of time you will have to spend and the amount of frustration you will experience, the driver you have in mind will offer new functionality which is worth this effort. I would not expect this to be the case unless you have a sufficiently large group of users. \end{itemize} If you conclude from this that my own experiences in writing \gs\ device drivers were not entirely pleasant, you are right. In particular, I have serious doubts about whether the result justifies the effort I put into it. This document is an attempt to improve the result-to-effort ratio by making my experience available to others. %============================================================================== \subsection{Restrictions} This document concerns itself only with printer drivers. By this I mean devices with the following properties: \begin{itemize} \item From the point of view of PostScript, we are dealing with a page device. \item Processing in the driver can be split into two phases: \begin{itemize} \item creating a rasterized representation (pixmap) of the entire page in memory, \item converting it into another format appropriate for a particular kind of hardware or software external to \gs, and sending the converted data to a file. \end{itemize} \item From the point of view of \gs, we are dealing with a device derived from the {\it prn\/} device. \end{itemize} %============================================================================== \subsection{Conventions} A word or group of words \d{in this type} has a special meaning. The meaning is sometimes explained at the point where the term is denoted in this manner, but the main purpose is to alert the reader to the existence of a special meaning connected with these words in the context of PostScript or \gs. A reference like ``[gs~$n.m$]'' accompanying a statement means that I have checked this statement to be true for \gs\ version~$n.m$. These are typically statements about bugs in \gs\ or information I could not find in \gs's documentation but which I obtained from the source code or by experiment. %****************************************************************************** \section{General Approach} %============================================================================== \subsection{PostScript First} You should base your implementation on those properties of your driver which will be visible in PostScript. One reason is that \gs\ is changing fairly rapidly. Although some effort is made to remain backward-compatible, you cannot expect this to be always possible. If you base your design on PostScript concepts, the result is much more likely to be able to adapt easily to changes in \gs. The same applies in areas where \gs\ does not yet correctly or entirely support the PostScript language definition. The second reason is that the PostScript language is well documented and offers a reasonably broad range of concepts for you to use. A description of similar coverage at the level of \gs's driver API does not exist. You will have to fill conceptual gaps in the latter from the former. Finally, you should not dismiss the possibility that you might later want to write a similar driver for another PostScript interpreter. Everything which depends on PostScript only could then be reused unchanged, although I would expect this to happen more on the level of structure and concepts then with actual lines of code. %============================================================================== \subsection{Architecture} It is almost certain that you'll find that a large part of what you need to implement is entirely independent of the printer you wish to drive and could be used for other drivers as well. This is due to a gap between the functionality offered by the \gs\ kernel and the functionality needed by most printer drivers. This gap is only partly closed by the abstract \textit{prn\/} device and this has led to a certain amount of duplicated code in \gs\ drivers. One solution to this problem is to reuse code from another driver. This is easiest to do if this functionality has been implemented in terms of an abstract \gs\ device derived from the \textit{prn\/} device. Your driver can then use this device instead of \textit{prn\/} as its base device. The \textit{pcl3\/} driver contains such an intermediate component in the \textit{eprn\/} (``extended \textit{prn\/}'') device. Its implementation has about 4700~brutto and 2400~netto lines of code. % pcl3 3.0.2 This gives you an impression of the size of the functionality gap you would otherwise have to bridge on your own, although admittedly not everything implemented in \textit{eprn\/} is absolutely essential for every printer driver. Independent of whether \textit{eprn\/} suits your needs or not, you should always implement the universal part of your functionality in a reusable form. At the other end of your implementation you should consider encapsulating printer-specific routines in a form which is largely independent of \gs. This also makes it easier to reuse this code in other contexts. The correct level of abstraction for this API is almost certainly near the point where your driver has obtained a pixmap for the page to be printed and has to convert it into the printer's language. If you introduce these two layers of functionality, the ``real'' driver will just be the intermediate layer connecting these two. \begin{note} In the implementation of my \textit{pcl3\/} driver about 47~\% of the code belongs to the high-level \textit{eprn\/} device, 21~\% can be found in the printer-specific backend, and 32~\% are contained in the intermediate layer. % This is based on NLOCs. BLOC-based values are even better: 49%, 24%, and % 27%. This reflects the more extensive documentation I've provided in the % reusable parts. % (BLOC, NLOC) as of pcl3 3.0.2: (4658, 2361), (2263, 1084), (2620, 1616). This means that roughly two thirds of the code could be reused in other contexts! \end{note} %****************************************************************************** \section{Properties of an Output Device in PostScript} %============================================================================== \subsection{Definition} A PostScript interpreter may support several \d{output devices}. A \d{page device} is a special kind of output device. Its state is characterized by \d{page device parameters}. The \d{current (output) device} is part of the graphics state and can be inspected with \ps{currentpagedevice}. A new page device can be selected by calling \ps{setpagedevice}% \footnote{% For devices which are not page devices, other methods have to be employed. The null device, for example, is installed by calling \ps{nulldevice}.} and passing the device name as a value for the \ps{OutputDevice} page device parameter.% \footnote{% This does work with \gs\ but it produces a drastically reduced page device dictionary without, e.g., \ps{HWResolution}~[gs~5.50, gs~6.50]. The official \gs\ interface for switching output devices from PostScript is via the non-standard \ps{selectdevice} operator~\cite{Use5.50}.} This resets all page device parameters to the default values appropriate for the new device. %============================================================================== \subsection{Identity and Basic Properties} An output device is identified by its name. If the interpreter supports several output devices, the \ps{OutputDevice} resource category should contain an entry for each device, indexed by its name and listing the associated properties in an \d{output device dictionary}.% \footnote{\Gs\ does not list its available devices in the \ps{OutputDevice} resource category~[gs~5.50, gs~6.50]. Furthermore, although defining an output device dictionary as an external resource makes it visible to \ps{resourcestatus} and \ps{findresource}, \gs\ versions before~6.50 will not list it with \ps{resourceforall} unless you execute \ps{findresource} first~[gs~5.50, gs~6.01]. This makes \ps{resourceforall} useless. However, you can obtain the list of supported devices from \gs's non-standard \ps{devicenames} operator. } Section~6.4 of PLR3 contains a list of these properties: \begin{itemize} \item media classes \item page sizes \item resolutions \item process colour models \item trapping details dictionary types \end{itemize} It is possible (but there is no corresponding statement in PLR3) that a PostScript program relies on the assumption that, if a value is listed as supported, it is supported independent of the values chosen for other parameters unless the meaning of the property in question restricts it explicitly to a particular situation (this is only the case for \ps{DeviceN}). This is a possible rule for separating output devices. Therefore, if you have constraints among the values you wish to support (e.g., \ps{DeviceGray} can be used at 600\,ppi but \ps{DeviceCMYK} is only possible at 300\,ppi), you should consider implementing these groups of unconstrained values in different output devices. This might be inconvenient, though, and I myself have usually disregarded this advice. %============================================================================== \subsection{Process Colour Models} PostScript defines six \d{process colour models}: \begin{quote} \ps{DeviceGray}, \ps{DeviceRGB}, \ps{DeviceRGBK}, \ps{DeviceCMY}, \ps{DeviceCMYK}, \ps{DeviceN}. \end{quote} A process colour model defines the \d{colorants} used by a device. \ps{DeviceN} is a parameterized process colour model which has to be supplemented by an explicit list of colorants (page device parameter \ps{SeparationColorNames}). Normally each device has one \d{native process colour model}, but it may support others.\footnote{ For example, a monochrome device capable of producing separations might support the process colour model \ps{DeviceCMYK}~\cite[page~424]{PostScript3}.} Each process colour model has an underlying \d{native colour space}. Because some process colour models are based on the same colour space only the following four colour spaces act as native colour spaces: \begin{quote} \ps{DeviceGray}, \ps{DeviceRGB}, \ps{DeviceCMYK}, \ps{DeviceN}. \end{quote} The colour spaces \ps{DeviceGray}, \ps{DeviceRGB}, and \ps{DeviceCMYK} are called \d{device colour spaces}. The colour space \ps{DeviceN} is \emph{not\/} a device colour space but one of the \d{special colour spaces}. Note that a designation like ``\ps{DeviceRGB}'' can therefore denote a colour space, a native colour space or a process colour model. You have to find out which before you will be able to correctly understand the statement containing such a name. %============================================================================== \subsection{Media Selection} \subsubsection{Media Sources} PostScript assumes the output device to have several \d{media sources}, each identified by an integer (\d{position number}). You will have to decide how to associate these numbers with input trays or whatever your printer supports. Properties of the media currently present in a tray can be stored in the \ps{InputAttributes} dictionary in the page device dictionary and are accessed during \d{media selection}. If the printer is capable of providing information on the properties of media currently available in its input trays, \ps{InputAttributes} should therefore be initialized appropriately by the driver. %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \subsubsection{The Process} PostScript's media selection process composes an \d{input media request} from those among the page device parameters \ps{PageSize}, \ps{MediaColor}, \ps{MediaWeight}, \ps{MediaType}, \ps{MediaClass}, and \ps{InsertSheet} which are not \ps{null} (some devices may add others) and tries to find a matching entry in \ps{InputAttributes}. Apart from \ps{MatchAll}, only those parameters which a device considers for inclusion in a media request should appear in an \ps{InputAttributes} entry. An entry in \ps{InputAttributes} \d{matches} the request if \begin{itemize} \item it contains matching entries (equal values, in the case of \ps{PageSize} with a tolerance of 5~bp) for all parameters in the request and \item either \begin{itemize} \item does not have a \ps{MatchAll} entry which is \ps{true} or \item does have a \ps{MatchAll} entry which is \ps{true} and does not contain any entries in addition to \ps{MatchAll} and those present in the media request. \end{itemize} \end{itemize} Formally, you can define a relation ``$\leq$'' between two media requests or \ps{InputAttributes} entries $a$ and~$b$ as follows: \begin{displaymath} a \leq b \quad :\Longleftrightarrow \quad \vtop{\advance\hsize by -4cm All parameters present in $a$ (except for \ps{MatchAll} in an \ps{InputAttributes} entry) are also present in~$b$ and have matching values.} \end{displaymath} The match rule can then be rephrased in the following manner: \begin{quote} An \ps{InputAttributes} entry~$e$ matches the input media request~$r$ if and only if $r \leq e$ except when \ps{MatchAll} is defined and \ps{true} in~$e$. In the latter case one needs $r = e$. \end{quote} A media request is therefore a set of minimal requirements a media source must satisfy in order for the document to be printed from that source. Exceptions are possible if no match is found, the \ps{Policies} dictionary permits ignoring at least one parameter in the request, and a matching request $r' < r$ can be formed. PLR3 demands that in this case the interpreter must set the ignored page device parameters to \ps{null}\footnote{% \Gs\ does not currently do it [gs~6.01].}. The only exception is \ps{PageSize} which will be set to the value present in the \ps{InputAttributes} entry selected. The state of the device thus becomes as if the document had originally requested~$r'$. %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \subsubsection{Selection Parameters Which are also Configuration Parameters} Let a ``configuration parameter'' be a page device parameter which influences the way the output device adapts to the medium, while a ``selection parameter'' is a parameter considered for inclusion in a media request. The 6~standard selection parameters can then be classified as follows: \begin{itemize} \item also a configuration parameter: \ps{PageSize}, \ps{MediaClass}, % Explicitly defined to be an "arbitrary string representing attributes % of the medium that may require special action by the output device" % (PLR3 p. 402). \item not a configuration parameter: \ps{InsertSheet}, \ps{MediaType}, \item possibly a configuration parameter: \ps{MediaColor} (probably not), \ps{MediaWeight} (probably yes). \end{itemize} If a particular selection parameter is also a configuration parameter, it must be set correctly for the medium chosen by the media selection process. Assuming the correct value to be non-null and disregarding the \ps{PageSize} parameter, this is the case if and only if the parameter is correctly specified in the \ps{InputAttributes} entry \emph{and\/} the documents requests the same value: \begin{itemize} \item If the parameter is not specified in \ps{InputAttributes} and a match results, the value in the page device dictionary will be \ps{null}. \item If the parameter is not correctly specified in \ps{InputAttributes}, the parameter's value in the page device dictionary will either be this incorrect value or \ps{null}. \item If the parameter is correctly specified in \ps{InputAttributes}, the document requests a different value, and a match results, the value will also become \ps{null}. \end{itemize} The \ps{PageSize} parameter is different because instead of being set to \ps{null} when the request cannot be satisfied it is set to the value belonging to the \ps{InputAttributes} entry chosen. In my opinion this behaviour would have been desirable for all configuration parameters considered for selection. I wish to draw two conclusions from this dicussion: \begin{itemize} \item If the output device uses a selection parameter for configuration, the interpreter should be configured such that the \ps{InputAttributes} entries contain the correct values and the \ps{Policies} dictionary should not permit the request to be ignored. \item As already mentioned in a footnote, \gs's behaviour with respect to non-matching parameters is not currently~[gs~6.01] PostScript-conforming, hence the preceding discussion does not really apply. However, I am not aware of any statement in the documentation that this was a deliberate implementation decision, hence this behaviour cannot be relied upon. Therefore I still conclude that a \gs\ device should not use selection parameters for configuration unless the driver can sense these media properties. The reason is that the typical execution environment for \gs\ is a single-user PC with a dedicated printer completely controlled by the user. If this user inserts media with properties the driver needs to know, it is unreasonable to require the parameter to be set in two places. \end{itemize} %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \subsubsection{User Interaction via \ps{Policies}} The user may set a policy code of~2 in the \ps{Policies} dictionary. This indicates that a mismatch should result in some kind of device-specific interaction with an external entity, for example asking a human operator to insert media of the size requested and waiting for confirmation. This is not supported by \gs\ and results in a \ps{configurationerror}~[gs~5.50] just as for a policy value of~0. Should it be implemented one day, this will hopefully be independent of the \gs\ device in question. You should therefore ignore this feature. %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \subsubsection{Automatic Switch to Manual Feed} A user might wish to tell the interpreter something like the following: ``I have put A4 sheets into the input tray where they can be fed automatically, but I am prepared to feed certain other sizes manually''. The second part of this statement cannot be easily expressed in \ps{InputAttributes} for two reasons. The first and more important one is that you cannot request additional actions (like setting \ps{ManualFeed} to \ps{true}) to be performed automatically if a particular media source is selected and certain conditions are met.\footnote{% One might consider (mis)using the \ps{Install} procedure for this purpose provided it can determine which source has been selected. However, there is no standard way for that, and in addition PLR3 does not say whether it is permitted for \ps{Install} to call \ps{setpagedevice}. This is a problem because the latter calls \ps{Install} again.} The only choices I see are to make manual feed implicit in the media source by convention or to provoke a \ps{PageSize} mismatch. The first possibility must be supported by the driver, the second requires the user to choose a \ps{PageSize} recovery policy of~2, possibly combined with a \ps{PolicyReport} procedure setting \ps{ManualFeed} to \ps{true}. The second problem arises if ``certain other sizes'' refers to a list or range of page sizes. Lists can only be supported by distributing the individual sizes over several media sources one at a time, ranges are permissible with \gs~[gs~5.50] but not in standard PostScript. If you want to make it possible for the user to specify lists in this situation, you must reserve an unlimited set of position numbers for this special purpose. One possible solution to both problems is therefore to let the driver interpret all negative position numbers as meaning ``manual feed''. In deciding how to implement your driver you should, however, not forget that \ps{InputAttributes} only states which media are currently available according to the user. The driver still has to check whether the requested size is acceptable to the printer. This reduces the usefulness of specifying lists or ranges for manual feed. In fact, if one uses \gs's ability to accept a range for \ps{PageSize}, a single position number with an implied manual feed is probably sufficient. This is definitely the case if the device supports custom page sizes in such a way that the total set of supported sizes can be expressed as a single connected range of media extensions. %============================================================================== \subsection{Setting up Default User Space} \label{PsUserSpace} The PostScript language asserts that default user space is set up in a certain manner in relation to the medium printed on. PostScript programs may rely on this relationship. Most printers, however, can neither control nor react to how the media have been put into their input trays. In what follows I assume that this is the case for the printer in question. Concerning the extension (height and width irrespective of orientation) of media, the \ps{PageSize} entry in the \ps{InputAttributes} dictionary is available for telling a PostScript interpreter about the media present in an input tray. This is, however, not sufficient for the interpreter to correctly set up default user space: even assuming a sheet to be unmarked and to have indistinguishable sides this merely reduces the 8~possibilities of putting it into the input tray to two inequivalent ways (unless it is a square sheet). They are usually described by reference to the feeding direction as ``short edge first'' and ``long edge first''. Both lead to equivalent \ps{PageSize} entries in \ps{InputAttributes}. The implementation of a PostScript output device for such a printer must therefore be accompanied by rules stating what the ``right'' ways for putting media into input trays are. In order to prevent printing beyond the edges of a sheet, the minimum is to state whether the interpreter assumes media will be fed short edge first or long edge first. A more detailed rule would add a description of default user space on a sheet lying in the input tray. This enables the user in addition to reliably position the output with respect to matter already on the medium (e.g., a watermark). \begin{note} At least three versions of the {\it PostScript Language Reference Supplement\/}~\cite{PSSupplement2017,PSSupplement3010,PSSupplement3011} impose special rules for the location of default user space when printing on envelopes. In my opinion these rules are undesirable because they require \textit{the program generating a PostScript page\/} to know whether printing will be done on envelopes or on ordinary paper of the same size. As this has nothing to do with the layout of text within the page, the program should not need to know this. But even worse, the rules are chosen such that if one requests landscape orientation (which is usually desired for envelopes) the standard rule governing the behaviour of \ps{setpagedevice} (rotate by $+90^\circ$) actually produces output standing on its head when applied to an envelope having the flap along its longer edge! If, on the other hand, a printer has particular requirements for feeding envelopes and this does not produce the desired result when keeping to PostScript's default rules, the output device should deal with this problem, possibly triggered by a page device parameter or by imposing the rule that certain page sizes are always interpreted as envelopes. My advice is therefore to ignore these rules, but you should form your own conclusion based on your printer's requirements. \end{note} All this applies only to a default state for default user space. This state is characterized by requesting a page in portrait orientation ($\hbox{width} < \hbox{height}$)% \footnote{It is also assumed that the size requested is available, otherwise the media selection process might influence the location and scale of default user space (\ps{PageSize} recovery policies~3 and~4).} and omitting requests for any of the page device parameters \ps{LeadingEdge}, \ps{Orientation}, \ps{ImageShift}, \ps{PageOffset}, \ps{Margins}, \ps{Tumble}, \ps{MirrorPrint}, and possibly others. The resulting structure on the sheet is sometimes called the \d{canonical page in portrait orientation}, but you should think of this situation as the set of conditions under which the statement about the position of default user space on a sheet in the input tray is valid. Most of the parameters just mentioned are defined in terms of their effect with respect to this default orientation. For example, on receiving a \ps{PageSize} request for landscape orientation the interpreter must rotate default user space 90~degrees counterclockwise with respect to its position for portrait orientation and shift the origin into the new lower left corner. The parameter \ps{LeadingEdge} makes it possible for the user to tell the interpreter that a sheet has been put into the input tray in a non-standard way. Note that different devices can differ in which of the 4~possibilities is the default: for an interpreter assuming a short-edge orientation in the input tray it will be either~0 or~2, while a long-edge-oriented one will have~1 or~3 as its default. This argument can be reversed: specifying which of these values is the default assumed by the interpreter together with the information which side of the sheet will be printed on uniquely selects one of the 8 possible orientations in the input tray as the ``right'' one for the default situation. The parameter \ps{Orientation} should only be supported by devices with media of continuously variable page sizes (printing to roll-fed media, screen displays or file formats): the values~1 and~3 cannot be supported on cut-sheet media, and the user can achieve the effect of~2 by choosing a \ps{LeadingEdge} value differing by~2 from its default. You must decide which of these parameters will be supported by your driver. Note that some are automatically available for every \gs\ device. %============================================================================== \subsection{Device Coordinates} The rules of PostScript about the relative positioning of default user space and the medium are intended to ensure that a PostScript program need not know about the device coordinate system. This information is, however, still accessible to the program: the operator \ps{defaultmatrix}, for example, returns the default transformation matrix for the device, and with this information a PostScript program can unambiguously determine the position of the device coordinate system with respect to default user space. Hence the following discussion indeed belongs under the heading of PostScript-visible properties of the output device. When writing your driver you must choose a device coordinate system. This is no problem; just do it. However, I am not aware of any statement in PLR3 which states that the device coordinate system is a fixed property of the output device. ``Fixed'' in this context means ``fixed with respect to the feeding direction'' or equivalently ``fixed with respect to the default of default user space''. If you therefore wish to switch your device coordinate system if the user requests landscape orientation or on any other occasion the user executes \ps{setpagedevice}, this is perfectly legitimate. You might even do it in such a manner that \ps{defaultmatrix} returns the same value under all circumstances. This freedom is actually desirable, because it means that you can choose whatever convention for device coordinates is the simplest for you to implement depending on the current set of page device parameters. However, if you look at the description of the \ps{PageOffset} and \ps{Margins} parameters you'll find statements that for \ps{PageOffset} ``the repositioning is typically accomplished by altering the current transformation matrix, although on some devices it may instead be accomplished by device-dependent means that are independent of the graphics state (in particular, of the CTM)''~\cite[page 415]{PostScript3} and that for \ps{Margins} the latter case is the typical one. (Incidentally, as both parameters have to be specified with respect to the direction of the axes of the device coordinate system, your driver's documentation should tell the user where these axes point to.) If your device coordinates are fixed with respect to the default default user space, you will have to modify the default transformation matrix, and conversely if you wish the influence of such parameters not to be visible in the CTM you must shift your device coordinates. Concerning \ps{PageOffset} and \ps{Margins} these discussions are, however, slightly academic because \gs\ implements these parameters for all devices and does it via modifications of the default transformation matrix in both cases~[gs~5.50]. At least for \ps{Margins} you can easily override this behaviour but I wouldn't. %============================================================================== \subsection{Other Standard Page Device Parameters Describing Device Capabilities} The following page device parameters defined in PLR3 refer to special hardware functionality: \begin{quote} \ps{InsertSheet}, \ps{ManualFeed}, \ps{TraySwitch}, various parameters for roll-fed media, \ps{Duplex}, \ps{Collate}, \ps{Jog}, \ps{OutputFaceUp}, \ps{MaxSeparations}, \ps{SeparationColorNames}. \end{quote} Absence of one of these parameters indicates that the feature is not supported by the device. The converse is not true. You will have to decide which of these features you can support. In addition, there exist also position numbers for media destinations (keys in \ps{OutputAttributes}), similar to the numbers for media sources. If your printer has several output destinations your driver should support them as well. %============================================================================== \subsection{Non-Standard Page Device Parameters} If your driver is going to offer functionality which cannot be expressed in terms of standard page device parameters, you will have to define new ones. You should take some care not to choose parameter names which can collide with other definitions. At the least you should check the current edition of the {\it PostScript Language Reference Supplement\/}~\cite{PSSupplement3011} in order to find out whether there is already a semi-standard parameter for this functionality or one having the intended name but another meaning. %****************************************************************************** \section{General Properties of a \Gs\ Device} Unless there is an explicit reference to a different version, everything which follows in this and subsequent sections is based on \gs\ version 5.50. %============================================================================== \subsection{Definitions} A \gs\ device driver defines one or more \d{ghostscript devices}. A ghostscript device is identified by its name (1~to~8 letters, digits or underscores, starting with a letter~\cite{Drivers5.50}\footnote{% These restrictions are probably the combined result of restrictions from the C~language and from some file systems. Effectively, this means that you can ignore at least the length restriction on almost all platforms.}) and characterized by a C~variable which must be called {\tt gs\_\textit{name}\_device}. % No italic correction for "name" here; it looks worse. This is the \d{device structure instance}, its type is the \d{device structure}. The device structure instance is a prototype for the data structure (\d{device instance}, sometimes also called \d{driver instance}) which is actually used when a device is installed in the graphics state. \ifdraft ??? Forwarding device, band device, life cycle (at which point in a multi-function open call is the device open? Will partially opened devices be closed?) \fi %============================================================================== \subsection{Relation to Output Devices} There is a one-to-one correspondence between ghostscript devices and PostScript output devices supported by \gs. Technically, this can be inconvenient if your driver implements lots of different output devices and you do not wish to clutter \gs's device list with all these names. In that case you should introduce sub-devices based on particular parameter values. My \textit{hpdj\/} driver for example uses \texttt{hpdj} as the device name but in addition selects a particular printer model with the page device parameter \ps{Model}. As the latter determines which process colour models and page sizes are supported by the driver, this parameter in fact distinguishes between output devices within one ghostscript device. If you choose to implement such sub-devices you should try to simulate the behaviour of \ps{setpagedevice} for \ps{OutputDevice} (initialization with default values) whenever the output device is changed. Your \prog{put\_params} implementation should therefore check for the sub-device-changing parameters first. However, you should only reset those parameters which the user can override. %??? This does not apply to the resolution when set from the % command line [gs~6.01]. %============================================================================== \subsection{Device Structure} \ifdraft ??? Dynamic memory \fi %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \subsubsection{Device Procedures} Among the variables in the device structure are several dealing with functions: \begin{itemize} \item The \prog{static\_procs} variable points to a static table of type \prog{gx\_device\_procs} containing pointers to functions. It is common to all device instances of the same type. \item \prog{page\_procs} is of type \prog{gx\_page\_device\_procs}. This is a table of pointers to functions peculiar to page devices. \item The \d{device procedure table} \prog{procs} is also of type \prog{gx\_device\_procs} (but not a pointer to that type as \prog{static\_procs} is). The entries in this table (or the functions pointed to) are the \d{device procedures}. \end{itemize} The function \prog{gx\_device\_set\_procs()} checks whether \prog{static\_procs} is \prog{NULL} or not. % gsdevice.c If it is not, the table pointed to is copied over \prog{procs} and \prog{static\_procs} is set to \prog{NULL}. More important, however, is that almost all \prog{NULL} entries in the device procedure table are overwritten with default values. This is done by \prog{gx\_device\_fill\_in\_procs()}. It first calls \prog{gx\_device\_set\_procs()} and then replaces null entries for all device procedures except \prog{fill\_rectangle}~[gs~5.50].\footnote{ The entries for \prog{image\_data} and \prog{end\_image} are always overwritten with non-null default values even if they are non-null to begin with.} The list of device procedures is frequently growing. In \gs\ version~5.50 this table has 43~entries. Check the definition of \prog{gx\_device\_proc\_struct()} in \file{gxdevcli.h} for the current list. A device procedure should be called by using the \prog{dev\_proc()} macro: it takes a pointer to a device instance and the name of a device procedure table field as arguments and is expanded into the entry in the device procedure table. While entries in \prog{*static\_procs} may not change, the device procedures in \prog{procs} can change during a device's lifetime. The macro \prog{set\_dev\_proc()} is intended for this purpose. %??? %The \textit{prn\/} device, for example, %sets a number of device procedures for rendering when the device is opened %(\prog{gdev\_prn_\allocate()}) and restores the old values when the device is %closed (\prog{gdev\_prn\_tear\_down()}). %============================================================================== \subsection{\Gs\ Devices in PostScript} \subsubsection{Type, \Gs\ Initialization and State} \Gs\ introduces a new basic type \ps{devicetype} for representing ghostscript device (structure) instances. Instances of this type are composite objects. % See 'ref_type' in iref.h. % See gs_init.ps. On initialization, \gs\ repeatedly executes the \ps{.getdevice} operator to obtain all known device structure instances. It then creates a dictionary \ps{devicedict} in \ps{systemdict} containing for each device an array of length~2; the first entry is the device structure instance, % from 'gx_device_list[]' the second is \ps{null}\footnote{ Actually, the PostScript initialization code sets the second entry to be \ps{null} if the device is not writable and makes it a copy of the first if it is. However, the implementation of \ps{.getdevice} (\prog{zgetdevice()}) always returns a read-only object~[gs~5.50]. % See zdevice.c. % Also tested with gs 5.50 and gs 5.10 binaries. }. Entries in \ps{devicedict} have the string returned by \ps{.devicename} as a key (\prog{dname} field in the device structure). % See zdevice.c. The device instance current in the graphics state can be obtained with the operator \ps{currentdevice} implemented in \prog{zcurrentdevice()}. %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \subsubsection{Switching Devices} The procedure \ps{selectdevice} calls first \ps{finddevice} and then \ps{setdevice}. % Actually, it also calls \ps{.setdefaultscreen}. The procedure \ps{finddevice} looks into \ps{devicedict} to find a device by its name and checks the second entry in the array. If it is \ps{null}, the entry is replaced by the result of \ps{copydevice} applied to the first entry. In all cases, this second entry is returned. \ifdraft ??? TEST: What happens on multiple selection? \fi \ps{copydevice} is a \gs\ operator implemented in \prog{zcopydevice()}. % See zdevice.c. The latter calls \prog{gs\_copydevice()} % gsdevice.c which allocates storage for a new device instance, calls \prog{gx\_device\_init()} and sets the device variable \prog{is\_open} to \prog{false}. The function \prog{gx\_device\_init()} copies the source device instance storage into the new instance with the exception of the \prog{memory} variable. The procedure \ps{setdevice} calls the operator \ps{.setdevice} implemented in \prog{zsetdevice()}. % zdevice.c This function calls \prog{gs\_setdevice\_no\_erase()} and clears the underlying page device. % macro clear_pagedevice() \ifdraft ??? What happens with the old device? \fi The function \prog{gs\_setdevice\_no\_erase()} first checks whether the device is already open. If not, it calls \prog{gx\_device\_fill\_in\_procs()} and the \prog{open\_device} device procedure and finally it sets \prog{is\_open = true}. Then it calls \prog{gs\_setdevice\_no\_init()}, \prog{gs\_initmatrix()} and \prog{gs\_initclip()}. \prog{gs\_setdevice\_no\_init()} sets the colour mapping procedures in the graphics state from the device's colour mapping procedures (calling \prog{gx\_set\_cmap\_procs()}). %****************************************************************************** \section{\Gs\ Device Parameters} The variables in a device instance determine the values of its \d{device parameters}. These parameters are a subset of the page device parameters of the corresponding PostScript output device. The connection between the two and the way in which the device parameters may be accessed is an area where \gs's documentation is particularly reticent. %============================================================================== \subsection{Parameter Dictionaries} A device parameter is identified by a string, its name. If a device supports a particular parameter, it associates a typed value with this name. \Gs\ has an internal API for dealing with collections of such name-value pairs. %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \subsubsection{Types for Parameters} The name of a parameter is of type \prog{gs\_param\_name} which is defined as \prog{const char~*}. Each parameter has a type associated with it which is stored in an instance of type \prog{gs\_param\_type}: \begin{program} % gsparam.h typedef enum \lb \ /* Scalar */ \ gs_param_type_null, gs_param_type_bool, gs_param_type_int, \ gs_param_type_long, gs_param_type_float, \ /* Homogenous collection */ \ gs_param_type_string, gs_param_type_name, \ gs_param_type_int_array, gs_param_type_float_array, \ gs_param_type_string_array, gs_param_type_name_array, \ /* Heterogenous collection */ \ gs_param_type_dict, gs_param_type_dict_int_keys, gs_param_type_array \rb\ gs_param_type; \end{program} In addition, there is a macro \prog{gs\_param\_type\_any} which resolves to an expression of this type and which can be used to denote any type. \ifdraft ??? What is the concept of ``type'' here? PostScript, C, a mixture of both? Add description of collections. \fi The type \prog{gs\_param\_value} is used to store values of parameters. It is a \prog{union} of the following C~types: \begin{quote} \prog{bool}, \prog{int}, \prog{long}, \prog{float}, \prog{gs\_param\_string}, % twice \prog{gs\_param\_int\_array}, \prog{gs\_param\_float\_array}, \prog{gs\_param\_string\_array}, % twice \prog{gs\_param\_collection} \end{quote} Finally, the type \prog{gs\_param\_typed\_value} combines a type description with a value: \begin{program} % gsparam.h typedef struct gs_param_typed_value_s \lb \ gs_param_value value; \ gs_param_type type; \rb\ gs_param_typed_value; \end{program} %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \subsubsection{Type and Operations for Parameter Collections} A \d{parameter dictionary} represents an unordered collection of instances of type \prog{gs\_param\_typed\_value} and is of the C~type \prog{gs\_param\_list} % (also known as \prog{struct gs\_param\_list\_s}) or of a type having the same initial storage layout as this type. This is the same convention as used to simulate type inheritance for device structures: \prog{gs\_param\_list} should be considered as an abstract base class defining access routines for parameter dictionaries while its derived types provide implementations for the routines and storage for the parameters. This abstract interface is declared in \file{gsparam.h}. Concrete implementations of this abstract interface are the following types: \begin{quote}\begin{flushleft} \prog{gs\_c\_param\_list}, % gsparam.h \prog{dict\_param\_list}, % iparam.h \prog{array\_param\_list}, % iparam.h \prog{stack\_param\_list}, % iparam.h \prog{printer\_param\_list\_t} % gdevpsdf.c \end{flushleft}\end{quote} The only one of interest to implementors of device drivers is \prog{stack\_param\_list} because it is used to represent objects on the operand stack. \ifdraft ??? More about it later? \fi There exists a macro \prog{gs\_param\_list\_common} to obtain the list of declarations common to all parameter dictionary types. It resolves to: \begin{program} const gs_param_list_procs *procs; gs_memory_t *memory; % Actually, the semicolon is not part of the macro. \end{program} The \prog{procs} member points to a table of pointers to the implementation's access methods. This table contains the following members\footnote{ I am not aware of any official description for the semantics or behaviour of these functions at the level of abstraction for \prog{gs\_param\_list}; the comments in \file{gsparam.h} are insufficient for this purpose. These descriptions are therefore heavily based on the actual implementation for \prog{iparam\_list} which is an abstract type between \prog{gs\_param\_list} and a number of concrete implementations including \prog{stack\_param\_list}. }: \begin{itemize} \item \prog{int (*xmit\_typed)(gs\_param\_list *, gs\_param\_name, gs\_param\_typed\_value *);} This routine is used to ``transmit'' a value. This means either to put a value into the dictionary (writing) or to extract it (reading). Which direction is chosen depends on the function pointed to, i.e., unless you modify this pointer you can either read or write the parameter dictionary but not both. A reading implementation of \prog{xmit\_typed} returns zero if the parameter value was successfully extracted, one if the parameter does not exist, and a negative value on error. A writing implementation returns zero or one on success and a negative value on error. The reading implementation of \prog{xmit\_typed} for \prog{stack\_param\_list} % Actually, for 'iparam_list'. keeps track of which parameter was accessed and what the result was. % See comments in iparam.h and the 'results' field in 'iparam_list' % [gs 5.50]. \ifdraft ??? Discuss selective writing. \fi \item \prog{int (*signal\_error)(gs\_param\_list *, gs\_param\_name, int);} This routine is used to associate an error code (the last argument) with the parameter designated. A parameter dictionary can for example store this code in the list together with the parameter's value. The function must \emph{never\/} be called for a non-existent parameter [gs~5.50]. % Looking at iparam.c, this should give a core. This routine is in particular intended to be used by functions extracting values from a parameter dictionary and discovering that the type is incorrect or the value is outside the permissible range. \item \prog{int (*commit)(gs\_param\_list *);} This function is used to perform some final processing after extracting all interesting values from a parameter dictionary. It can for example check that all the parameters present have been extracted, i.e., that there are no unknown parameters left in the dictionary. % ref_param_read_commit() does this if it has been requested. % If there are undefined parameters, their 'result' codes are set to % 'e_undefined'. The routine returns zero on success and a negative value on error. \item \prog{int (*next\_key)(gs\_param\_list *, gs\_param\_enumerator\_t *, gs\_param\_key\_t *);} This routine is useful for debugging because it can be used to iterate over all entries in a parameter dictionary. The second argument points to an iterator which stores the last position accessed; it must have been initialized by calling \prog{void param\_init\_enumerator(gs\_param\_enumerator\_t *)} before the first call to this function. The third argument (the type is an alias for \prog{gs\_param\_string}) % gs 6.50 will receive the name of the next parameter if there is one (return code is zero), otherwise the return code is~1 (no more parameters) or negative (error). \item In addition, there are the members \prog{begin\_xmit\_collection}, \prog{end\_xmit\_collection}, \prog{request}, \prog{requested}, and \prog{get\_policy}. \end{itemize} %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \subsubsection{Interface for Drivers} The methods in parameter dictionaries are not particularly interesting from the point of view of writing a driver, but there are some functions on top of this interface which are. \paragraph{Reading.} For reading a value from a parameter dictionary, the basic routine is: \begin{program} int param_read_requested_typed(gs_param_list *, gs_param_name, \ gs_param_typed_value *); \end{program} This function expects a requested type to have been filled into the \prog{type} field of the entry pointed to be the third argument. It calls the \prog{xmit\_typed} function. If the latter returns a non-zero exit code, this code is returned. Otherwise the function checks for a mismatch between the requested and the actual type and tries to convert between the two if necessary and possible. For example, if the actual parameter is of type \prog{gs\_param\_type\_int} its value can also be extracted as \prog{gs\_param\_type\_long} or \prog{gs\_param\_type\_float}. % See param_coerce_typed(). If the types do not match, a value of \prog{gs\_error\_typecheck} is returned. Otherwise the result is returned via the \prog{value} field in the third argument. There is a macro \prog{param\_read\_typed()} which effectively calls \prog{param\_read\_requested\_typed()} with the value \prog{gs\_param\_type\_any} and can be used to fetch a parameter value irrespective of its type. The \prog{type} field in the third argument will contain the actual type. Implemented on top of \prog{param\_read\_requested\_typed()} there are several functions \prog{param\_read\_\textit{type}()} which request and return a value of a specific type. For an \prog{int}, the routine is: \begin{program} int param_read_int(gs_param_list *, gs_param_name, int *); \end{program} These functions should be used in preference to the others. \paragraph{Writing.} For writing a parameter there is a macro \prog{param\_write\_typed()} which should be called as if it were the following function: \begin{program} int param_write_typed(gs_param_list *, gs_param_name, \ gs_param_typed_value *); \end{program} The macro is mapped to a call to \prog{xmit\_typed} and returns its return code. Again there is a layer of type-specific functions on top of this basic interface. For an \prog{int}, the routine is: \begin{program} int param_write_int(gs_param_list *, gs_param_name, const int *); \end{program} These functions should be preferred. \paragraph{Other Functions.} The macros \prog{param\_signal\_error()}, \prog{param\_commit()} and \prog{param\_get\_next\_key()} can be called as if they were the following functions: \begin{program} int param_signal_error(gs_param_list *, gs_param_name, int); int param_commit(gs_param_list *); int param_get_next_key(gs_param_list *, gs_param_enumerator_t *, \ gs_param_key_t *); \end{program} They call the dictionary's \prog{signal\_error}, \prog{commit} and \prog{next\_key} routines, respectively. %============================================================================== \subsection{The Parameter Device Procedures} To be described. % ??? %============================================================================== \subsection{Default Parameters} \subsubsection{All Devices} The function \prog{gx\_default\_get\_params()} writes the following parameters into the parameter list it received as an argument~[gs~5.50]: % See gsdparam.c and gxdevcli.h. \begin{quote} % ??? Find a better solution. \normalUS \def\a{$^*$} % asterisk \halign{\quad\prog{#}\hfil\quad& \prog{#}\hfil\quad& \vtop{\raggedright\hsize=5cm #\strut}\hfil\cr % ??? Improve baseline distance. \omit\quad Name\hfil & \omit Type and device variable or value\hfil & Remarks\cr \noalign{\smallskip\nointerlineskip \hbox{\dimen0=\hsize \advance\dimen0 by -2em \quad \vrule depth 0.4pt height 0pt width \dimen0} \smallskip} .HWMargins\a& float HWMargins[4]&\cr .IgnoreNumCopies\a& bool IgnoreNumCopies&\cr .MarginsHWResolution& float MarginsHWResolution[2]&\cr .MediaSize\a& float MediaSize[2]&\cr BitsPerPixel& int color_info.depth&\cr BlueValues& (int)(color_info.max_color + 1)& only set if \prog{color\_info.num\_components} is larger than 1.\cr ColorValues& (long)(1L << color_info.depth)& only set if \prog{color\_info.num\_components} is larger than 1.\cr Colors& int color_info.num_components& \cr GraphicsAlphaBits& int& a value returned by the device procedure \prog{get_alpha_bits}\cr GrayValues& (int)(color_info.max_gray + 1)&\cr GreenValues& (int)(color_info.max_color + 1)& only set if \prog{color\_info.num\_components} is larger than 1.\cr HWColorMap& & returned as a string\cr % ??? HWResolution\a& float HWResolution[2]& \cr HWSize\a& float [2]& initialized with \prog{width} and \prog{height} (in this order)\cr ImagingBBox\a& \textrm{null or} float ImagingBBox[4]& the type depends on \prog{bool ImagingBBox_set}\cr Margins\a& float Margins[2]& \cr Name& const char *dname& treated as a string\cr NumCopies\a& \textrm{null or} int NumCopies& only read or written if \prog{NumCopies\_set} is not negative. The null value is returned if \prog{NumCopies\_set} is zero.\cr OutputDevice& const char *dname& treated as a name\cr PageCount& long PageCount& \cr PageSize\a& float MediaSize[2]& only set if \prog{PAGESIZE_IS_MEDIASIZE} was defined during compilation which it is~[gs~5.50].\cr ProcessColorModel& \vtop{\raggedright\hsize=5cm \textrm{a name derived from \prog{color\_info.num\_components}, see section~\ref{NativeColourSpaces}}\strut}\hfil\cr RedValues& (int)(color_info.max_color + 1)& only set if \prog{color\_info.num\_components} is larger than 1.\cr TextAlphaBits& int& a value returned by the device procedure \prog{get_alpha_bits}\cr } \end{quote} The function \prog{gx\_default\_put\_params()} reads the same parameters from its arguments list, but copies only some of them into the device instance. These writable parameters are marked with an asterisk in the preceding list. The others are accessed in order to check that they are defined at all, that they have the right type or that their value satisfies certain constraints. For example, \ps{PageCount} must be defined and be either \ps{null} or a \prog{long} value agreeing with the value present in the \prog{PageCount} field in the device instance. In addition the default put procedure also accesses \prog{\%MediaSource} and \prog{\%MediaDestination} but only to check that these parameters have values of integer type. Before \prog{gx\_default\_put\_params()} actually modifies any parameters it calls \prog{param\_commit()} for the parameter list after having called all the necessary routines for reading the known parameters into temporary variables. If the commit routine returns a negative value, processing terminates without making changes in the device structure. %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \subsubsection{The \textit{prn\/} Device} The function \prog{gdev\_prn\_get\_params()} first calls \prog{gx\_default\_get\_params()} and then writes the following parameters into the parameter list it received as an argument: \begin{quote} % ??? Find a better solution. \normalUS \def\a{$^*$} \halign{\quad\prog{#}\hfil\quad& \prog{#}\hfil\quad& \vtop{\raggedright\hsize=5cm #\strut}\hfil\cr % ??? Improve baseline distance. \omit\quad Name\hfil & \omit Type and device variable or value\hfil & Remarks\cr \noalign{\smallskip\nointerlineskip \hbox{\dimen0=\hsize \advance\dimen0 by -2em \quad \vrule depth 0.4pt height 0pt width \dimen0} \smallskip} BandBufferSpace& long space_params.band.BandBufferSpace& \cr BandHeight& int space_params.band.BandHeight& \cr BandWidth& int space_params.band.BandWidth& \cr BufferSpace& long space_params.BufferSpace& \cr Duplex\a& \textrm{null or} bool Duplex& only read or written if \prog{Duplex\_set} is not negative. A null value is returned if \prog{Duplex\_set} is zero.\cr MaxBitmap& long space_params.MaxBitmap&\cr OpenOutputFile\a& bool OpenOutputFile&\cr OutputFile\a& char fname[]& treated as a string\cr ReopenPerPage\a& bool ReopenPerPage&\cr } \end{quote} The function \prog{gdev\_prn\_put\_params()} accesses the same parameters as \prog{gx\_default\_get\_params()} and finally calls \prog{gx\_default\_put\_params()}. Only those parameters marked with an asterisk, however, are usually copied into the device instance. The others will be copied only if the field \prog{space\_params.params\_\-are\_\-read\_\-only} is \prog{false} (then they must also satisfy some constraints), otherwise their values must agree with those in the device instance. In addition the put function also accesses \prog{InputAttributes} and \prog{OutputAttributes} and checks that they are dictionaries if defined. %============================================================================== \subsection{The Basic Access Routines in PostScript} A device's parameters can be read with \ps{getdeviceprops} and modified by \ps{putdeviceprops}~\cite{Language5.50}. The first is based on the operator \ps{.getdeviceparams}, the second on \ps{.putdeviceparams}. %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \subsubsection{Reading} The operator \ps{.getdeviceparams} accepts either a \ps{null} value or a dictionary of keys\footnote{Values are simply duplicates of the keys.}. In the second case, only the specified device parameters are fetched. The operator puts a mark object on the stack and on top of it the names and values of those parameters which it could find. If the caller requested a parameter which cannot be found that request will be ignored without indicating an error. \ifdraft ??? CHECK \fi This operator is implemented in \prog{zgetdeviceparams()} which calls \prog{zget\_device\_params()}, a function introduced to reduce duplicate code. % See zdevice.c. This function first prepares an instance of type \prog{stack\_param\_list} by connecting it with the operand stack and then calls \prog{gs\_get\_device\_or\_hardware\_params()} for the device with this list. \ifdraft ??? Discuss selection. \fi The function \prog{gs\_get\_device\_or\_hardware\_params()} calls \prog{gx\_device\_set\_procs()}, supplies default values for some device procedures if necessary, and finally passes the parameter list to the \prog{get\_params} procedure. %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \subsubsection{Writing} The operator \ps{.putdeviceparams} is implemented in \prog{zputdeviceparams()}. Its behaviour with respect to unrecognized keys has to be requested as either to ignore them or to generate an \ps{undefined} error (as \ps{putdeviceprops} does). The implementation first prepares an instance of type \prog{stack\_param\_list} and then calls \prog{gs\_put\-device\-params()} for the device with this list. If the return code is negative (error), the function returns. Otherwise, some special processing is done under certain circumstances and finally the macro \prog{clear\_\-page\-device()} is called for the graphics state. \ifdraft ??? Add description of error processing for undefined values. \fi The function \prog{gs\_putdeviceparams()} calls \prog{gx\_device\_set\_procs()}, supplies default values for some device procedures if necessary, and then calls the \prog{put\_params} procedure with the parameter list. The return code from \prog{gs\_putdeviceparams()} is the code returned by the device procedure provided it is negative or the device was closed before the call or it is still open afterwards; otherwise (no error and the device was open before and is closed afterwards) the return code is always~1. %============================================================================== \subsection{Connection with Page Device Parameters} %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \subsubsection{The Implementation of \ps{currentpagedevice}} The procedure \ps{currentpagedevice} first calls the operator \ps{.currentpagedevice} which is implemented in \prog{zcurrentpagedevice()}. If the current device is a page device or acts as a forwarding device for a page device, this function returns the dictionary parameter \prog{pagedevice} from \gs's graphics state. If the dictionary returned is empty, \ps{currentpagedevice} creates a new dictionary from all parameters returned by \ps{.getdeviceparams} for the page device plus the following ``required attributes''~[gs~5.50]: \begin{quote} % See definition of .requiredattrs in gs_setpd.ps. \ps{PageOffset}, \ps{InputAttributes}, \ps{\%MediaSource}, \ps{OutputAttributes}, \ps{\%MediaDestination}, \ps{Install}, \ps{BeginPage}, \ps{EndPage}, \ps{Policies}. \end{quote} The default values for these parameters are overridden if \ps{.getdeviceparams} returns values for them. % Remark in gs_setpd.ps 5.50, line 199-200: % In case of duplicate keys, .dicttomark takes the entry % lower on the stack, so we can just append the defaults here. Before returning the resulting dictionary, \ps{currentpagedevice} also calls \ps{.setpagedevice} (\prog{zsetpagedevice()}) which sets \prog{pagedevice} in the graphics state. If, on the other hand, \ps{.currentpagedevice} returns a dictionary of non-zero length, \ps{currentpagedevice} creates and returns a new dictionary constructed from this and the current values for \ps{.MediaSize} and \ps{PageCount}. % Definition of .dynamicppkeys in gs_setpd.ps. If your driver modifies other device parameters except as requested through \ps{setpagedevice}, these modifications will therefore not be visible in PostScript. \ifdraft ??? Describe when the data are refreshed. \fi %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \subsubsection{The Implementation of \ps{setpagedevice}} \ifdraft \Gs's implementation of \ps{setpagedevice} is fairly complex. This document lists only some of its properties, the reader should check the file \file{gs\_setpd.ps} for details. ??? \else To be described. \fi %============================================================================== \ifdraft \subsection{???} CLI, overriding, multiple access, \prog{Duplex\_set} problem. \fi %****************************************************************************** \section{Pages and Media} \subsection{Device Coordinates} \label{DevCoord} \Gs's documentation~\cite[section ``Coordinates and types'']{Drivers5.50} gives the impression that a driver can choose any location for the origin and orientation of its device coordinate system provided coordinate values fit into an \prog{int}. This is misleading. Printer drivers based on the \textit{prn\/} device use an internal pixmap-generating device (a ``memory'' or a ``command list'' device) for scan conversion. The device coordinate system for this pixmap uses $x$-values in the range $[0, \hbox{width}-1]$ and $y$-values in the range $[0, \hbox{height}-1]$. % ??? Reference. The width and height values are set from the page size and the resolution (see \prog{gx\_device\_set\_width\_height()}) % gsdevice.c and are available in the device instance as the \prog{width} and \prog{height} fields. Anything falling outside this area is clipped. % Where? ??? This clipping happens in addition to the clipping established at PostScript level. Therefore you should never put your device coordinate origin in the interior of the imageable area or outside of the page area. It also means that the imageable area must be contained in the page area: the \textit{prn\/} device cannot support ``Extra'' sizes~\cite[Appendix~B]{PPD4.3}.\footnote{ A better way would have been to set width and height from page size, resolution and the hardware margins. Not only would this have achieved support for ``Extra'' sizes via negative margins, it would also almost certainly have forced \gs\ to interpret hardware margins with respect to device space (see section~\ref{HardwareMargins}).} Where a driver's device coordinate system is located on the printed page depends on where the driver puts the pixels from the pixmap. It extracts these values by calling one of the following functions to obtain one or more scan lines (all $x$~pixels for one $y$~value, $x = 0$ lying in the first byte of the scan line): \begin{quote} % Checked with gs 5.50. \tt\raggedright \parindent=-2em \advance\leftskip by 2em \noindent\kern-2em int gdev\_prn\_copy\_scan\_lines(gx\_device\_printer *pdev, int y, byte *str, \penalty-5 uint size); int gdev\_prn\_get\_bits(gx\_device\_printer *pdev, int y, byte *str, \penalty-5 byte **actual\_data); \end{quote} In most cases the printer's native I/O~interface for raster data will print a small group of pixel lines, clear its memory for the next group and advance the paper by the distance covered. It will not usually be possible to move backwards. Hence the first pixel line sent is the one closest to the medium's \d{leading edge}, that edge which enters the printer first.\footnote{ Ah, you noticed the logical gap? Well, if you find a printer which feeds paper with one edge first and then starts printing from one of the other edges, send me a message and I'll be surprised.} It is also to be expected that the printer prints the pixel line entirely, starting at the left margin of the imageable area and proceeding to the right. A convenient position for the device coordinate system is therefore with the origin in the top left corner\footnote{ ``Top'' is defined as where the first pixel line is printed (leading edge), and ``left'' is the edge to the left if you hold the sheet with the leading edge up and the printed side towards you.} of the imageable area, the $x$~axis pointing to the right and the $y$~axis downwards. The driver can then extract scan lines from the pixmap in the order of increasing~$y$, does not need to reverse the order of pixels within the line, and need not insert or remove pixels at the beginning of raster lines. With the choice of device coordinates as just described the leading edge is then the edge close to the $y = 0$ line in device space. It is occasionally helpful to distinguish explicitly between the two systems of device coordinates: pixmap device coordinates are fixed with respect to the pixmap (I call this the \d{pixmap device space}) and the ``real'' device coordinates should be thought of as being attached to the sheet printed. The relation between them is established by the driver's source code and the printer's native I/O~interface. When programming for \gs\ you usually deal with pixmap device space, except when setting up the default user space. %============================================================================== \subsection{Device Space and Default User Space} Having fixed the relation between the pixmap's device coordinates and the printer's interface you still have to set up the default matrix to establish the correct relation between default user space and (``real'') device coordinates. %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \subsubsection{The \ps{defaultmatrix} Operator} % Description derived from gs 5.50, checked with gs 6.50. \Gs\ implements \ps{defaultmatrix} in \prog{zdefaultmatrix()} % zmatrix.c which calls \prog{gs\_defaultmatrix()}. The latter function first checks whether the parameter \prog{ctm\_default\_set} in the graphics state is set or not. % See gscoord.c. If it is, the function returns the value of \prog{ctm\_default} in the graphics state. If it is not set, the function obtains the current device from the graphics state, calls \prog{gs\_deviceinitialmatrix()} for this device, and performs an additional shift of the coordinate system based on the values for the \prog{Margins} array in the device instance: \begin{program} pmat->tx += \ dev->Margins[0] * dev->HWResolution[0] / dev->MarginsHWResolution[0]; pmat->ty += \ dev->Margins[1] * dev->HWResolution[1] / dev->MarginsHWResolution[1]; \end{program} The function \prog{gs\_deviceinitialmatrix()} % gsdevice.c first checks whether the device procedure \prog{get\_initial\_matrix} has been filled in or not and inserts \prog{gx\_default\_get\_initial\_matrix()} in the procedure list if not. It then calls the device procedure \prog{get\_initial\_matrix}. Looking from default user space, the default procedure \prog{gx\_default\_get\_initial\_matrix()} returns a matrix putting the origin in the top left corner of the page, the $x$~axis pointing to the right and the $y$~axis downwards. % See gdevdflt.c. The graphics state parameter \prog{ctm\_default} is set in \prog{gs\_setdefaultmatrix()} only. % gscoord.c This function in turn is called only from \prog{zsetdefaultmatrix()} which is the implementation of the \ps{.setdefaultmatrix} operator. This operator is always (and usually only) called during execution of \ps{setpagedevice} with the value of the CTM valid after the possible execution of the \ps{Install} procedure. This is the connection between \ps{defaultmatrix} and the \prog{get\_initial\_matrix} device procedure. One implication of this relation is that, if \ps{setpagedevice} is called at least once, the default matrix will remain fixed until the next call to \ps{setpagedevice}.\footnote{ Note that at least one function of the \gs\ kernel (\prog{gx\_default\_clip\_box()}) calls the \prog{get\_initial\_matrix} procedure directly instead of calling \prog{gs\_deviceinitialmatrix()} [gs~6.50]. I have not investigated whether this could have unwanted consequences.} The conclusions to be drawn from this are the following: \begin{itemize} \item You need to write your own \prog{get\_initial\_matrix} procedure only if the device coordinate origin is not in the upper left corner of the page area as seen from default user space. \item The driver should not change the default CTM except when \ps{setpagedevice} is called. This means that all parameters the \prog{get\_initial\_matrix} procedure needs to define default user space should be changed only in the \prog{put\_params} device procedure. \item Your implementation of \prog{get\_initial\_matrix} should ignore \prog{Margins} and any transformation already taken care of in \ps{setpagedevice} (like \ps{PageOffset}). \end{itemize} \ifdraft ??? Discuss the soft-tumble problem and its solution. \fi %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \subsubsection{The Imageable Area and the Device Coordinate Origin} \label{HardwareMargins} The imageable area of a ghostscript device is described by the \prog{HWMargins} device variable. This is an array of four \prog{float}s, interpreted as distances in~bp from the edges of the page.\footnote{ The ``canonical margin order'' in \gs, used for several such variables, is: left, bottom, right, and top, but this does not tell you which coordinate system defines these directions. This documentation is missing for several other device structure fields which require a reference system for their interpretation. In the case of \prog{HWMargins} one apparently has to look from default user space (see \prog{gs\_initclip()} in \file{gspath.c}). In contrast, the standard \texttt{*HWMargins} parameter in PPD files is explicitly defined with respect to the feeding direction~\cite[page~114]{PPD4.3}.} These values can be set by calling: \begin{program} void gx_device_set_margins(gx_device *dev, const float *margins, \ bool move_origin); \end{program} If you specify \prog{true} for \prog{move\_origin}, \gs\ will in addition use the left and top margin values to set the \prog{Margins} array in such a manner that the device coordinate origin will be in the top left corner of the imageable area. As explained in section~\ref{DevCoord}, the resulting effect is usually desirable. However, the way used to achieve it is wrong: the \prog{Margins} array contains the value of the \ps{Margins} page device parameter which was introduced to compensate for mechanical misalignments in a device. I take this to mean that a value of zero means that no misalignment exists, a contradiction with the situation achieved by \prog{gx\_device\_set\_margins()}. Of course one could tell the user that when setting \ps{Margins} s/he should take the imageable area into account, but this becomes a nuisance if the imageable area depends on the page size. This is for example the case for Hewlett-Packard's DeskJet printers. If you want to position your device coordinate origin in the top left corner of the imageable area and to leave \ps{Margins} with its standard meaning, you will therefore have to implement the desired shift of the device coordinate origin in your driver's \prog{get\_initial\_matrix} device procedure. This procedure will need to know the top and left margins in device space. %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \subsubsection{Landscape Orientation} As explained in section~\ref{PsUserSpace}, the PostScript language requires that if a user requests landscape orientation (a \ps{PageSize} value with $\hbox{width} > \hbox{height}$ in a \ps{setpagedevice} request) the output device must rotate default user space by $+90^\circ$ with respect to portrait orientation for the same medium.\footnote{ I would not consider this rule to be binding for an output device printing on media of continuously variable dimensions. In particular, it is certainly inappropriate for a screen viewer and for most if not all file formats. But the behaviour is essential for every device printing on media of discrete sizes.} However, the only ghostscript drivers I know of which actually do it are \textit{cljet5\/}~[gs~5.50] and my own \textit{hpdj/pcl3\/} driver. % I have done an automated check on most of the 137 devices present in gs 5.10 % as compiled for Debian 2.1 (package gs 5.10-1). The exceptions were the % screen and file devices lvga256, vgalib, cgmmono, cgm8, and cgm24. The only % device where an exchange of width and height in the PageSize device parameter % led to a defaultmatrix with a different orientation was hpdj (cljet5 was not % among the devices compiled into the excutable). % Incidentally, hpdj is capable of this only since hpdj 2.2 but at least gave % an error message before that. % I have also searched through the gs 5.50 source code for drivers which set % their own get_initial_matrix() device procedure. I found % mem_get_initial_matrix(), clj_get_initial_matrix(), pm_get_initial_matrix(), % win_dib_get_initial_matrix(), and x_get_initial_matrix(). Only % clj_get_initial_matrix() treats rotation. % In addition, I have looked for the string "landscape" (irrespective of % upper/lower case) and found nothing suggestive except in the MS Windows % viewer gdevwpr2.c where it says: "...does try to set the printer page size % from the PostScript PageSize, but it isn't working reliably at the moment". Your driver can determine that landscape orientation has been requested by examining the \prog{MediaSize[]} array. It contains the requested page size in~bp with respect to default user space.\footnote{ This interpretation is not documented with the variable's definition but can be deduced from the fact that it receives the value of the \ps{PageSize} page device parameter (\prog{gx\_default\_put\_params()}).} If it is a case of landscape orientation ($\hbox{\prog{MediaSize[0]}} > \hbox{\prog{MediaSize[1]}}$), you must include a rotation by $+90^\circ$ in your \prog{get\_initial\_matrix} device procedure and you must modify the \prog{width} and \prog{height} fields appropriately. Unfortunately, \gs's functions \prog{gx\_device\_set\_width\_height()}, \prog{gx\_device\_set\_resolution()} and \prog{gx\_device\_set\_media\_size()} all assume that device space and default user space have the same notion about what is ``vertical'' and what is ``horizontal''. Hence you must update \prog{width} and \prog{height} directly and guard against some other instance calling any of these functions and producing inappropriate values. The only reliable way I know for this is to check for this condition in the \prog{open\_device} device procedure and, if necessary, to reassign \prog{width} and \prog{height} there. Doing this requires reallocation of storage in the \textit{prn\/} device. \ifdraft ??? Problem of the initial matrix routine having the necessary information \fi The same problems arise if your driver supports the \ps{LeadingEdge} page device parameter because in that case arbitrary orientations of default user space with respect to device space are possible. %============================================================================== \subsection{Media Sources and Destinations} \Gs~[gs~5.50] sets the page device parameters \ps{\%MediaSource} and \ps{\%MediaDestination} to the position numbers determined for media source and media destination respectively during the process of media selection. If your driver supports different media sources or destinations, its \prog{put\_params} routine should fetch the values of these parameters. \Gs\ does support the \ps{MediaPosition} page device parameter for media selection~[gs~5.50, gs~6.01], but not by default as a device parameter (i.e., you must set it with \ps{setpagedevice}, not from the command line), and you can't use it to select negative position numbers (this gives a \ps{rangecheck}~[gs~6.01]). %============================================================================== \ifdraft \subsection{To be Discussed} %??? media sizes, InputAttributes \fi %****************************************************************************** \section{\Gs's Colour Treatment} %============================================================================== \subsection{Native Colour Spaces} \label{NativeColourSpaces} \Gs\ does not support \ps{DeviceN} as a native colour space~[gs~5.50]. The other three possible spaces are supported; this information is encoded in the \prog{color\_info.num\_components} device parameter which can be \prog{1} for \ps{DeviceGray}, \prog{3} for \ps{DeviceRGB} and \prog{4} in the case of \ps{DeviceCMYK}. Note that \prog{gx\_default\_get\_params()} returns these colour space names as the value of the device parameter \ps{ProcessColorModel} which will be inappropriate if the device uses, e.g., the process colour model \ps{DeviceCMY}. Your driver cannot correct this because \prog{gx\_default\_put\_params()} signals an error if this page device parameter has another value than the native colour space name belonging to the current \prog{color\_info.num\_components} value. % Source code inspection in gs 5.50. %============================================================================== \ifdraft \subsection{Internal Colour Representation} \subsubsection{Colour in the Native Colour Space} Colour specifications in a PostScript program can be given in any of the supported colour spaces. They are then converted into the native colour space as specified by the PostScript language definition. This part is standard and results in certain real numbers in the range $[0, 1]$. ??? What are the device colours? Where does \gs\ apply transfer functions? For \gs, these \prog{color\_info.num\_components} floating point numbers are first converted into instances of type \prog{frac}, an integer type % (\prog{short}~[gs~6.50]) % gxfrac.h with the range zero to $f_1 := 32760 = 2^3 \times 3^2 \times 5 \times 7 \times 13$. This value is chosen in order to be able to represent ``almost all common fractions'' % gxfrac.h [gs 6.50] of~1 exactly. The conversions between \prog{float} and \prog{frac} are defined as follows: \begin{program} % gxfrac.h in gs 5.50 and 6.50 \#define frac_1 ((frac)0x7ff8) \#define frac_1_float ((float)frac_1) \#define frac2float(fr) ((fr) / frac_1_float) \#define float2frac(fl) ((frac)(((fl) + 0.5 / frac_1_float) * frac_1_float)) \end{program} Assuming infinite precision for floating point arithmetic, the conversion from a \prog{float}~$x$ to a \prog{frac}~$f$ is therefore simply: $$ f = \left\lfloor x f_1 + {1 \over 2} \right\rfloor $$ Looking at the pre-images of the possible results we find that this map divides the interval $[0, 1]$ into $f_1 + 1$~pieces of unequal length: the first and the last piece have length $1 / 2 f_1$, the others have length $1/f_1$. \ifdraft ??? Discuss the resulting problems, present the correct solution. \fi ??? are then converted into \d{(device) colour values}, instances of type \prog{gx\_color\_value}. This is an unsigned integer type (at present, it is \prog{unsigned short}~\cite{Drivers6.01}), and the conversion maps zero to zero and one to the value of the macro \prog{gx\_max\_color\_value}\footnote{ This is equal to $2^{\hbox{\prog{gx\_color\_value\_bits}}} - 1$ where \prog{gx\_color\_value\_bits} is $8 \times \hbox{\prog{sizeof(gx\_color\_value)}}$ [gs~6.50].}. % gxcvalue.h %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \subsubsection{???} ??? gx\_color\_index, depth %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ??? mapping functions (what is called depending on the native colour space) %============================================================================== \subsection{Intensity Rendering} ??? \Gs's dithering implementation, 3 possibilities %============================================================================== \subsection{Process Colour Models} ??? Example for DeviceCMY. \fi % draft %****************************************************************************** \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\numberline{}References}\nobreak \bibliography{Informatik,ghostscript} %****************************************************************************** \end{document}