GTKstep theme (GTK+ >= 1.1.5) ============================= Installation: 1) Configuration ./configure [--prefix=PREFIX] --help list all available options. --disable-NeXTList disables NeXT style lists with dark background --disable-NeXTScrollbar disables NeXT style scrollbars (on the bottom left) --enable-Prelighting enables GTK+ style prelighting if mouse is over top of widget 2) Building make 3) Theme Installation make install 4) Make GTKstep your default theme for all GTK apps ln -fs PREFIX/share/themes/Step/gtk/gtkrc $HOME/.gtkrc 5) Make GTKstep as your default theme for all GNOME apps gnomecc->Appearances->Look and Feel->Theme Selector Copyright ========= The GTKstep theme is copyrighted by Ullrich Hafner and is licensed through the GNU Library General Public License. Read the COPYING file for the complete license.