Acknowledgements ---------------- I would like to thank all the people who have helped me with bug-reports, suggestions, and patches during the development of this program. If I have neglected to mention your contribution here, please drop me a line and I'll correct this oversight. In alphabetical order: - Alexey Kuznetsov and Andi Kleen contributed ICMP_FILTER code for 2.1.x kernels. - Arnt Gulbrandsen suggested the magic tree which made tcplog possible, and helped in numerous other ways. - Bret Martin helped with the initial configuration code. - David Rocher sent me patches to support glibc 2. - Horst Knobloch sent me patches to support installation to nonstandard locations. - Jay Kominek maintains the Debian package of jail. - Jeffrey Sean Connell pointed out that i was doing malloc(strlen(name)) (instead of malloc(strlen(name+1)) - I have no idea how this escaped for so long. - John Hudson named this package jail, made me implement host exclusion, and whines a lot. - Lars Kellogg-Stedman sent me signal handling patches which will eventually be integrated into jail. - The Linux netdev mailing list offered some valuable help (Alan Cox, Alexey Kuznetsov and Andi Kleen in particular). - Nicolai Langfeldt convinced me that I am not in Kansas, and pointed me to the NFR (Network Flight Recorder). - unSlider helped with testing and gave me lots of ideas. I would also like to thank the author of iplogger, whose program I initially got the idea and some code for jail from. Abhijit Menon-Sen $Id: CREDITS,v 1.7 2001/02/19 10:06:17 ams Exp $