#example PerlRequire script for mod_perl #it's recommened that you use Apache::Registry as your default #handler for the handler stage of a request #or, implement your handler for this or any stage of a request #as a PerlModule under the Apache:: namespace #PerlRequire is here if you choose otherwise... #To load this file when the server starts - #can be a full path or relative to ServerRoot #add this to srm.conf: #PerlRequire scripts/startup.pl # make sure we are in a sane environment. $ENV{MOD_PERL} or die "not running under mod_perl!"; #modify @INC if needed #use lib qw(/foo/perl/lib); #load perl modules of your choice here #this code is interpreted *once* when the server starts #use CGI (); #use LWP::UserAgent (); #use Apache::DBI (); #you may define Perl*Handler subroutines here too 1; #return true value