afOpenFile opens a specified audio file and creates a file handle structure which is used for subsequent calls to the Audio File Library. SYNOPSIS #include AFfilehandle afOpenFile(const char *path, const char *mode, const AFfilesetup seutp); PARAMETERS path is the path to the file to be opened. mode specifies a mode for opening the file (typically "r" or "w"). setup is ignored unless the mode specifies writing. RETURN VALUE afOpenFile returns, upon success, a valid AFfilehandle which can be used in subsequent calls to the Audio File Library for reading or writing. Upon failure, afOpenFile returns a null file handle (AF_NULL_FILEHANDLE). afCloseFile is used to close the file when it is no longer needed. ERRORS afOpenFile can produce the following errors: AF_BAD_OPEN (open failed) AF_BAD_READ (read failed) AF_BAD_WRITE (write failed) AF_BAD_LSEEK (lseek failed) AF_BAD_MALLOC (memory allocation failed) AF_BAD_FILEFMT (unrecognized file format) SEE ALSO afCloseFile afNewFileSetup afInitFileFormat afReadFrames afWriteFrames