afReadFrames reads sample frames from a given audio track in an audio file. SYNOPSIS #include int afReadFrames (const AFfilehandle file, int track, void *samples, const int count) PARAMETERS file is the AFfilehandle structure for the audio file from which audio sample data will be read. track is the track number within the audio file referred to by file. track should be set to the default value of AF_DEFAULT_TRACK at the present time. samples is a pointer to a buffer capable of storing count frames read from the file referred to by file. count is the number of sample frames to be read from the track specified by track within the file specified by file. RETURN VALUE afReadFrames returns the number of frames successfully read from file into the array referred to by samples. ERRORS Possible errors include (old school) AF_BAD_READ AF_BAD_FILEHANDLE AF_BAD_LSEEK AF_BAD_TRACKID (the track parameter differs from AF_DEFAULT_TRACK) AF_BAD_AIFF_SSND (new school--unsupported) AF_ERR_BAD_READ AF_ERR_BAD_LSEEK SEE ALSO afWriteFrames