afSeekFrame moves the logical file pointer for a specified audio track to a desired sample frame location. afTellFrame retrieves current value of a file read or write pointer. SYNOPSIS #include AFframecount afSeekFrame (const AFfilehandle file, int track, AFframecount frameoffset); AFframecount afTellFrame (const AFfilehandle file, int track); PARAMETERS file is an AFfilehandle structure which has been created by afOpenFile. track is an integer which refers to an audio track within a file. The constant AF_DEFAULT_TRACK should always be used for this parameter since no currently supported file formats support more than one track per file. frameoffset is an offset measured in sample frames. This value must be greater than or equal to zero and strictly less than the number of sample frames contained within the specified audio track. If frameoffset is -1, afSeekFrame() will return the current frame. RETURN VALUE On successful completion, the value returned from afSeekFrame and afTellFrame is the current file pointer location as measured in sample frames from the start of the audio track. ERROR VALUES The following errors could be generated by afSeekFrame or afTellFrame: AF_BAD_LSEEK