#!/usr/bin/perl -w =head1 NAME mimeencode - encode a file =head1 SYNOPSIS mimeencode Give usage. mimeencode [-d] encoding outfile Encode/decode stdin to stdout. =head1 DESCRIPTION Encode (or, with -d, decode) stdin with the given encoding, writing results to stdout. This does not do MIME parsing; it merely exercises the decoder modules. =head1 AUTHOR Eryq, eryq@zeegee.com =cut use lib "./lib"; use strict; use Getopt::Std; use vars qw($opt_d); use MIME::Decoder; # Usage? $ARGV[0] or die <outfile EOF # Args: getopts("d"); my $enc = shift @ARGV; # Get decoder: my $decoder = new MIME::Decoder $enc or die "unsupported encoding ($enc)\n"; # Do it! my $action = ($opt_d ? 'decode' : 'encode'); $decoder->$action(\*STDIN, \*STDOUT); 1;