#!/usr/bin/perl =head1 NAME mimesender - an example of integrating MIME-tools with Mail::Send. =head1 SYNOPSIS Usage: mimesender YOU@YOUR.HOST =head1 DESCRIPTION This just fakes up a little message and sends it by using Mail::Send and the 'sendmail' handler. =head1 AUTHOR Eryq, eryq@zeegee.com. =cut use Mail::Send; use MIME::Entity 4.113; use File::Spec; ### Args? my ($to) = @ARGV; $to or die "Usage: mimesender toaddr\n"; ### Create MIME entity, with attachment, sent to us: my $ent = MIME::Entity->build(From => "secret\@admirer.net", To => $to, Subject => 'Hello there!', Data => "Saluations..."); $ent->attach(Type => 'text/plain', Data => "...and Felicitations!"); ### Send it: $sender = new Mail::Send; foreach ($ent->head->tags) { # give the sender our headers $sender->set($_, map {chomp $_; $_} $ent->head->get($_)); } $fh = $sender->open('sendmail'); $ent->print_body($fh); $fh->close;