This directory contains demonstration scripts for the Net::DNS module. To read the manual page for a particular program, run the command "perldoc program-name". axfr Performs a zone transfer and stores the zone in a file. If a zone file already exists, axfr reads the file instead of performing a zone transfer. Requires the Storable module (available on CPAN). check_soa Perl version of the check_soa program presented in _DNS and BIND_ by Paul Albitz & Cricket Liu. check_zone Checks a zone for errors like missing PTR records. Can recurse into subdomains. See also a hacked version in contrib/check_zone. mresolv Performs multiple DNS queries in parallel. mresolv2 Another program to perform parallel DNS queries. Should be an improvement over mresolv. mx Prints a domain's MX records sorted by preference. perldig Performs DNS queries and print the results. time-query Issue a DNS query and time the response. --- $Id: README,v 1.8 2000/11/10 16:00:26 mfuhr Exp mfuhr $