Add a ole2.pc (or gnomeole2.pc?) for pkg-config, for GNOME 2.0 Test all system call wrappers. Add a paramter to test/test-ole.c in order to turn on or off mmap. Make sure all is get installed and all is packaged with `make dist'. Add to README what does libole2. Write documentation. Enable and use the checks in Add a Requires and Provides lines to the .spec file. Support "rw" open mode. Why we have the same README in ./ and ./libole2-src/ ? Add a flag to the configure to disable compile the tests. Finish write documentation. Modify test/test-ole.c in order to: 1) use the security flags and 2) query for all properties in DocumentSummaryInformation stream (there is saved user defined properties?). Review wrappers, it seems to me that open3 is not needed. Delete in ms-ole.h don't needed includes. Clean libole2-src/ms-ole.h Optimise non mmaped block storage to allow contiguous ptr passing. Ref count ms_ole_stream & ms_ole libvfs integration (?) write nice simple file handle style macros / wrappers. Is (INCLUDES) really really needed? Sort out small streams < 0x1000 bytes; something is duff in the PPS / chaining ( lots of work with hex editor ).