To add a new platform: 1) Add target mojo to 2) Add target mojo to arch/interface/platform.h 3) Create a directory under arch, a la arch/bsd NOTE: This is not exactly the same as adding a new backend. When adding a new platform, you are adding a new backend, but a native one (ie, the one specified by the "native" device). You'll need to make your aquisition/management funcs the following: void *grab_write_native(void); For aquiring the device (for writing) and returning a unique identifier void *grab_read_native(void); For aquiring the device (for reading) and returning a unique identifier ALboolean set_write_native(void *handle, unsigned int *bufsiz, unsigned int *fmt, unsigned int *speed); For setting the format, rate, etc associated with data written to this handle. ALboolean set_read_native(void *handle, unsigned int *bufsiz, unsigned int *fmt, unsigned int *speed); For setting the format, rate, etc associated with data read from this handle. void native_blitbuffer(void *handle, void *data, int bytes); Write bytes worth of data from data to the device specified by handle. void release_native(void *handle); close/free the audio device specified by handle. float get_nativechannel(void *handle, ALCenum channel); Return (normalized) mixer level for device specified by handle associated with channel. int set_nativechannel(void *handle, ALCenum channel, float volume); Set mixer level for device specified by handle associated with channel. void pause_nativedevice(void *handle); Inform device specified by handle about an upcoming pause. void resume_nativedevice(void *handle); Inform device specified by handle about an upcoming resume.