#!/bin/sh # # This is a xerox script for Laserjet Printer. # To get use of Postscript change the Printercommand and enable the # command at the end of this File. # DEV=mustek:/dev/scanner RES=300 PAPERTYPE=letter #PAPERTYPE=a4 PRINTERTYPE=ps #PRINTERTYPE=lj # # Non-printable area (left, right, top, and bottom margins): # LMARGIN=0.0 RMARGIN=0.0 TMARGIN=0.25 BMARGIN=0.0 # # Scanner-specific options: # DEVOPTS="--mode Gray" #DEVOPTS="$DEVOPTS --custom-gamma=yes --gamma-table [0]0-[64]128-[255]255" #DEVOPTS="$DEVOPTS --backtrack=yes" # needed for Mustek 12000SP # # Printer Command/Resolution PRES=$RES # change this if other Res. is desired # # Papersize in inch if [ "$PAPERTYPE" = "letter" ]; then WIDTH=8; HEIGHT=10 else # assume a4 paper WIDTH=8.27; HEIGHT=11.69 fi SCANWIDTH=`bc <<_EOF_ scale=3 $WIDTH-$LMARGIN-$RMARGIN _EOF_` SCANHEIGHT=`bc <<_EOF_ scale=3 $HEIGHT-$TMARGIN-$BMARGIN _EOF_` # SCALE=`bc << _EOF_ scale=3 75/$RES _EOF_` if [ "$PRINTERTYPE" = "ps" ]; then POST="pnmtops -rle -scale $SCALE -dpi $PRES | lpr" else POST="pgmtopbm | pbmtolj -resolution $PRES | lpr -Praw" fi scanimage -d $DEV \ -x $SCANWIDTH\" -y $SCANHEIGHT\" -l $LMARGIN\" -t $TMARGIN\" \ --resolution $RES $DEVOPTS | eval $POST