#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Minimal useful application of the SNMP package. # Author: Simon Leinen # RCS $Header: /home/leinen/perl/snmp/test/RCS/test.pl,v 1.16 1998/03/13 09:24:27 leinen Exp $ ###################################################################### # This application sends a get request for three fixed MIB-2 variable # instances (sysDescr.0, sysContact.0 and ipForwarding.0) to a given # host. The hostname and community string can be given as # command-line arguments. ###################################################################### require 5; use SNMP_Session; use BER; $SNMP_Session::suppress_warnings = 1; $hostname = shift @ARGV || &usage; $community = shift @ARGV || 'public'; &usage if $#ARGV >= 0; %ugly_oids = qw(sysDescr.0 sysContact.0 sysUptime.0 ipForwarding.0 ); foreach (keys %ugly_oids) { $ugly_oids{$_} = encode_oid (split (/\./, $ugly_oids{$_})); $pretty_oids{$ugly_oids{$_}} = $_; } srand(); die "Couldn't open SNMP session to $hostname: $SNMP_Session::errmsg" unless ($session = SNMP_Session->open ($hostname, $community, 161)); snmp_get ($session, qw(sysDescr.0 sysContact.0 sysUptime.0 ipForwarding.0)); $session->close (); 1; sub snmp_get { my($session, @oids) = @_; my($response, $bindings, $binding, $value, $oid); grep ($_ = $ugly_oids{$_}, @oids); if ($session->get_request_response (@oids)) { $response = $session->pdu_buffer; ($bindings) = $session->decode_get_response ($response); while ($bindings ne '') { ($binding,$bindings) = decode_sequence ($bindings); ($oid,$value) = decode_by_template ($binding, "%O%@"); print $pretty_oids{$oid}," => ", pretty_print ($value), "\n"; } } else { warn "SNMP problem: $SNMP_Session::errmsg\n"; } } sub usage { die "usage: $0 hostname [community]"; }