Known bugs: Frames don't work if there's more frames with same name. Turn them off in such case. You can't upload large files; it takes _lots_ of memory. You shouldn't press '^Z' when you are in a viewer Handling of is not lynx-compatible in
 tag (should be

	Tags inside  are still interpreted.

	When we're running DNS lookup in background and Terminate all
connections on background, we're in big trouble.

	links '...?q=foo+bar' when launching new instance in xterm leads to
incorrectly decoding +ba to 0xba.

	When switching between source view and rendered view, the position of
the view is based on the page number of the previous view, not on the content of
the previous view.

	Calling cfmakeraw() in kbd.c:setraw() breaks some exotic terminal

	When title/status bar is turned off, there's still a blank line on
top/bottom of screen.

	Handling of textareas splitted to two pages is just weird.

$Id: BUGS,v 1.23 2002/04/02 12:53:17 pasky Exp $

vim: textwidth=80