This directory contains unsorted stuff contributed by other people, which is not incorporated to main links distribution, however may be still interesting for someone. You will find here i.e. example configuration files or patches, which weren't (possibly yet) for some reason applied. Note that this stuff is mostly unmaintained and is not guaranteed to work, apply, compile etc. However, if you feel like fixing that, no problem. Files not listed here have description included in their header. * - David Mediavilla Scripts for OS/2 to create Links icon and assign Links as viewer of URLs. * dummy-js.diff - Jan Bobrowski Handler for few simple javascript functions. [!UPDATEME!] * hpux-pipe.diff - Stephane Chazelas Fix for arcane (appears to me that everything under HPUX is somewhat arcane ;) handling of pipes in HPUX $Id: README,v 1.4 2002/04/03 17:32:12 pasky Exp $