#!/usr/bin/perl # # Use this Perl script to generate a password # for you to use for CVS access. Then, send # the output to phil@netroedge.com so Phil # can add you to the CVS writers group # (pending approval, of course). $salt1=int(65 + rand(115 - 65)); $salt2=int(65 + rand(115 - 65)); if ($salt1 > 90) { $salt1+=7; } if ($salt2 > 90) { $salt2+=7; } $salt= pack("cc",$salt1, $salt2); print "This program will generate an encrypted version of your CVS password.\n"; print "Enter your CVS password below.\n"; system "stty -echo"; print "Password: "; chop($word = ); print "\n\n"; print "Please enter it again.\n"; print "Password: "; chop($word2 = ); print "\n"; system "stty echo"; if ($word ne $word2) { print "Passwords do not match, action aborted!\n"; exit; } $passwd=crypt($word, $salt); print "Here is your encrypted password: $passwd\n"; print "Send this encrypted password to phil\@netroedge.com\n"; print "with your requested username.\n"; print "Please specify whether you want access to i2c, lm_sensors, or both.\n"; print "Please also indicate what area of the project you wish to work on.\n";