README for Debian mozilla 1. If you have problem, please do at 1st. * unset MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME environment variable. * move ~/.mozilla to anywhere. and try again. % mv ~/.mozilla /var/tmp * remove your local libraries. check /etc/ and LD_LIBRARY_PATH. 2. https protocol and SSL connection support. You should install mozilla-psm package to use. 3. enabling truetype font support. use dpkg-reconfigure or edit /etc/mozilla/prefs.js see also /usr/share/doc/mozilla-browser/enabling_truetype.html 4. Debug fetures have been disabled. Some debug fetures on menu or preferences have been disabled. 5. using Java. You should install j2re1.3 (BlackDown Java Linux) package from deb woody non-free or other mirrors. 6. Note for CVS snapshot version (ignore this if you don't use mozilla-snapshot) * mozilla and mozilla-snapshot are both installable. * You can switch their with 'update-alternatives --config mozilla' as root, also switch with command name 'mozilla-' or 'mozilla-snapshot'. * Mozilla user directory for cvs is ~/.mozilla-snapshot instead of ~/.mozilla 7. Use with junkbuster proxy. You need the line user_pref("network.http.version", "1.0"); in your ~/.mozilla///prefs.js 8. /etc/mozilla/prefs.js You can customize system wide settings with /etc/mozilla/prefs.js. Example(default) is in /usr/share/doc/mozilla-browser/examples/prefs.js Takuo KITAME Sun, 24 Mar 2002 03:51:50 +0900