* INNOBASE: =========== To enable innobase support take a look at the example configs in /usr/share/doc/mysql-server/examples. You have to specify at least some of those variables. Take a look at /var/log/mysql/mysql.err and of course the docs. * PASSWORDS: ============ It is strongly recommended to set a password for the mysql root user (which is NOT the same as the "normal" root user) with the command: /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password' If you are tired to type the password in every time or want to automate your scripts you can store it in the file /root/.my.cnf. It should be chmod 0600 (-rw------- root root .my.cnf) to ensure that nobody else can read it. Every other configuration parameter can be stored there, too. You will find an example below and more information in the MySQL manual in /usr/share/doc/mysql-doc or www.mysql.com. ATTENTION: It is necessary, that this file always contains a "user" line whereever there is a "password" line, else, the Debian maintenance scripts, that use /etc/mysql/debian.cnf, will use the username "debian-sys-maint" but the password that is in root's .my.cnf. Also note, that every change you make in the /root/.my.cnf will affect the mysql cron script, too. # an example of /root/.my.cnf [mysql] user = root password = [mysqladmin] user = root password =