# See AUTHORS for Plucker development team members. The following kind folks provided support, ideas or conversation as part of the Plucker project... may they live long and plucker: Adam Elman Adam Spiers Alan Harder Andreas Gaufer Andrew Howlett Andy Rabagliati Byron Collins Claus Hindsgaul Daniela Di Candia Danny Zeng David Martin Eric Sandeen Ethan Bakshy Jacob Sparre Andersen Jay Tamboli Jon Ĺslund Kenneth Albanowski Laurent Pasquer Magnwa Spiritseer Mark Seaborn Masakazu Matsumoto Matti Airas Nick Vargish Nicolas Huillard Oleg V. Krulikovsky Tom Zerucha Tomasz Wójcik Uwe Müssel William Kendrick If you feel left out, then please add yourself to the file, or send e-mail to plucker-dev@rubberchicken.org!